I'm sorry, but I completely missed your point about the video. Would you mind repeating it for purpose of clarification?
Cortana's junk is keeping this game at M. Just sayin. But seriously, I have to agree on some of these things here. I've tried naming my map something I don't remember at this time and have had it censored for no apparent reason. After searching, I found a small reason. Their issue IMO is that they are trying to assume what we are trying to say. They are trying to hard. I also find it very annoying when a nine year-old warrant officer is playing, trying to pull off a trick shot with a sniper, and sends me hate messages for killing and beating him. I would be fine if they gave the game more of a reason to be M, but not to the point where it's turned to being nothing but vulgar.
The Star Wars: Dark Forces series comes to mind, even though it's an older series. Funny thing though is that in Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight you could actually cut off an enemies arm or decapitate them with the lightsaber, but it was a random occurrence. But later, in Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy, there was a code that you could enter that would enable you slice an enemy to pieces. But there was never any blood in any of these games when that happened.
On a related, but unrelated note, Airplane (Movie) is rated PG, yet has a solid 2 or 3 seconds of female nudity (upper body) as well as numerous other "inappropriate" references. The issue with the ratings is everybody cares way too much what other people think. As well as the fact that people are simply too sensitive. Halo should be rated T at the max. GTA is a M-rated game, not Halo.