Actually go to single player>map tools and you can create your own blank canvas of any size, and you can choose the block you want as flooring.
I would play this if it had a different title. Seriously, the fact that you blatantly copied two games should have left plenty of creativity for a title...
I just downloaded it... I'm really having fun especially since I'm so good at it. Murder Miners Manual (advanced controls) - YouTube
As of right now, I think you can only set spawn height. Otherwise they're completely random. I also discovered a couple cool tricks in editor mode. Using the sniper, you can hit B (depends on controls) to change the amount of blocks it destroys. Very nifty. Oh, and I also discovered wall-jumping, which is AWESOME. Makes the game play more like quake than halo.
I am planning on starting a remake for Halo CE's Damnation. It will be a public lobby hosted by me on Sunday September 16 at 7:30 P.M. CST. If you would like to help me, I will have three(3) open slots. I will most likely be using "Alien" as the texture in most of the map.
I bought it with the free rewards microsoft points i get. The game is actually fun. I tried playing multiplayer but there was only one guy online and he kept booting me from the lobby...
I've played a shitton of remakes from halo, counterstrike, call of duty, quake, goldeneye, and gears of war already, and most of them look teeeeeeeeeeerrible. However, Solo XIII made an awesome remake of House of Decay if anyone is interested. I'm also working on a massive asym that should be able to comfortably support 20 player games.
After watching that video, I'm definitely convinced that I should get it. I think I've got enough money to buy this, so I think I'll try the demo over the weekend.
I bought 1600 card today so I could buy this game, how many people even play this though? I hope its more than 100