/nerdgasm. link Black Mesa Homepage. There is a countdown. So something is going to happen. My guess is that it will display "Happy 2009" at the end of it, but ! EDIT: NO! ITS RELEASING! AHHHHHHHHH!
Didn't they announce they were going to release this summer back in January or something? I remember hearing that they were going to release in 2012 months ago.
Yeh, because when they say "we are going to release around about now" they really mean it, and won't spend 3 years pissing off the internet
Half-Life 2 is on sale on steam right now for another 20 hours. [$3.75?] Get it now so you can play the mod when it comes out. I just bought it because i cant wait to replay the old game without the eyesore graphics.
For any of you who have a Steam Account, Vote for Black Mesa on Steam Greenlight. If you don't have a Steam Account, get one then Vote for Black Mesa on Steam Greenlight.
Urgh, crap. I should have had this downloaded 3 hours ago, but I just came back from dinner and stupid chrome cancelled the download! Time to start AGAIN -_-
Might not have been chrome's fault. Their servers have been going down constantly since the release. I was lucky enough to get the file sent to me by a friend, so I didn't have to deal with their download servers at all. lol I haven't played it yet, but I watched my brother play about 10 mins of it and it looks pretty cool. I was won over when I heard two guys talking about "TPS Reports"
Anyone else getting the annoying sound stutter? I am, and I've tried to put the sound quality down to medium but it didn't work. Anyone know how to fix it? What I think it may be is the fact that I have dual GFX cards, and it may be running off the inferior one. But I can't change it to run Black Mesa off the better card because it's a 'web document', seeing as it's only location is through Steam. I could try making Steam run off the better card and see if that works. I'll get back to you guys, but any other solutions would be appreciated.