Battlefield 3 Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Glasgow, Feb 4, 2011.


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    Of the 3 matches I played last night with just playing some regular conquest on the Armored Kill maps I found that without any teamwork your going to end up dying a lot of the times. I had such a hard time just getting anywhere on Alborz Mountain and end up dying a whole lot.
  2. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Armor kill is ****ing awesome, I didn't even have a squad and I was having fun! Yes, actual fun by myself. My favourite is the tank superiority gametypes where its basically conquest with 1 flag and multiple tanks!

    The cool thing I've discovered about tank superiority is that you dont even have to be in a vehicle to enjoy the maps!

    I started one game out in a tank destroyer, killed 2 tanks and some infantry before narrowly escaping my crippled tank. Then I managed to dodge multiple tank rounds before hiding behind a boulder and bushes. After the area cool down I noticed a 2 man squad, an engineer and support inside of a crater underneath the objective. I made a quick dash and hopped in with them.

    I discovered the engineer firing his javelin missiles at tanks while he was being supplied by his support. I thought this was brilliant as I knew almost everyone who was playing were engineers (Even me) and would eventually run out of ammo. I then joined the engineer and kiledl about 6 tank destroyers and yelled out, "This. Is. AWESOME!"

    I guess as more people play, the more they'll unlock stuff for the tank destroyerer, thus making it harder to kill them. Nonetheless, it'll still be fun coming up with tactics with my squad to destroy them...
    #1042 Shihuru, Sep 12, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I've only had one issue so far, on the night map ( I can't recall the name right now) often when I would get close enough to an enemy vehicle, or when I tried to aim down sight at an enemy vehicle, it would flare up with graphical glitches like a bad case of herpes. I think it was a temporary bug caused by briefly falling through the map in my Tank Destroyer (through a shell hole), but the rest of the match was damn near unplayable. It hasn't happened since though, so I take it to be a one-time thing.

    Oh, and I took out a jet from the side seat on the Z11(?) with an RPG. Felt good.

    **** the mobile artillery. That **** is impossible to aim, the trajectory has a will of it's own. But I have to keep using it to get that sick incendiary Smoke - So I've been driving from objective to objective running over everyone who gets in my way. So far I've unlocked zoom optics, so it's looking good.
    #1043 pinohkio, Sep 12, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2012
  4. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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  5. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    Unless some retard in an attack heli flies right in front of you. Double kill. Funtimes.

    The gunship is dirty. Pure filth. If you manage to get into the heavy cannon seat, you get given an infrared view of the map and zoom optics. It's a 1 hit kill if you hit anywhere in the vicinity of the enemy, who show up as tiny little white dots on the map. You can bombard an enemy held objective on CQ or one of the MCOMs on rush and you're guaranteed a few kills. The downside is that it's slow as **** and gets punished by any aircraft or AA vehicles that decide to pick on it. Which is usually all of them. It can take a ****load of punishment too and does have (automatic?) flares (which look ****ing awesome) to save you some of the time from any missiles.
  6. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    They aren't automatic, I think each seat gets them, use LB to deploy. If they are automatic, the pilot and I have impeccable timing.
  7. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    Oh great.
    I have a feeling I'll like the size of the levels, though.
  8. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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  9. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    I hope that crossbow is 1 hit kill, it's gonna have an awfully slow bullet travel so it's gonna be **** at anything long ranged unless you lead your target by a lot or they're not moving. Trade off will probs be the reload time.
  10. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    Article on Aftermath
    #1050 Sam, Oct 18, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2012
  11. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    Aftermath looks pretty cool, what is physical ware fare though? When I sctivated my limited edition pass( came with back to karkand for preordering) I don't think it's out yet, will it include maps and guns and stuff?
  12. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    Physical warfare was just a preorder bonus that later became available to everyone. It gave the player early access to the SKS with a flash suppressor, the DAO, flechette ammo for the DAO, and the Type 88 lmg.
  13. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    #1053 ♥ Sky, Oct 25, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2012
  14. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Has anyone played the new map pack yet? I haven't had the time.
  15. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    Yes, I've played it. It's awesome imo. The maps are all unique with lots of little crawly holes and hidey spaces. My favourite has to be Mazark Monolith with the massive tower with multiple levels to set up shop with a sniper on. I'm not a fan of the market level, it's too closed in and is a nightmare to run and gun on as with 32 players swarming around you're almost forced to play with a silenced weapon as there's always someone around the next corner.

    The new vehicles are good too, looking like they've been hastily cobbled together. The Vodnik/Humvee lookalikes both come with a LMG and a grenade launcher attached, and the van comes with a driver operated LMG.

    The new crossbow (or XBOW) is awesome too, I've only got the scoped version and the balanced bolt but it's deadly at close range, with it being a 1hk weapon with a high hipfire accuracy. The Balanced bolt goes perfect with the scoped version and is a deadly alternative to the sniper if you want to play around with long ranged stuff on some of the other classes. I've been on the receiving end of the HE bolt a couple of times, it's fairly good, but only kills if it's a direct hit, but it's deadly against lightly armoured vehicles. I've never seen anyone using the scanner version as it seems a bit poo not doing any damage.
  16. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    What are the new vehicles like? I haven't tried them yet.
  17. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    They're really well balanced. They've got more firepower than their original counterparts as they both have a HMG mounted as well as an LMG. The Van is fairly good with a driver operated LMG. They work well on all the maps aside from Epicenter on which they just get stuck in every hole and ditch possible. I'd have to say Epicenter is the worst of the 4 as it's very linear on xbox when playing CQ as each objective only really leads off to two others, especially B. The others are much better with many more ways of getting round the map. Some also have blue doors which you can destroy opening up more routes around the map which is a neat touch.
  18. Security

    Security Ancient
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    This game is so god damn amazing. Why did I ever stop playing it?
  19. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I played a few games on Sunday with some mates, I wish I could have seen the guy's face when the "blue door" he was pressed up against was breached by my RPG as my squad smashed through him, guns blazing.

    I honestly have no idea why I ever stop playing Battlefield 3, every time some new strategy forms and hilarity ensues.
  20. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    You play on Xbox right? Next time you're playing and I'm on, chuck me an invite.

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