It is a pretty good show, I just wish Jon would get back to making actual episodes instead of using all his time making short Bytes. Waiting for a story episode of Arby n' the Chief is like waiting for a new episode of Freeman's Mind. It's awesome when it happens, it just takes a really long time to get there and I really want to know what happens when Arby finds out what Chief did.
The new episodes i feel so bad for chief, i really have felt like him in a situation before. Like how you didnt really want to do something and you feel bad about it. Its interesting how all this will work out.
If you check his blog you'll find out why he has to make all these bytes and that there's a huge gap in-between episodes.
I wish Machinima kept better track of it, it's hard to get to the next episode but too easy to get to the last one. (And I don't want to watch it backwards). I've found it's easier to just wait for a season to finish, watch the whole thing over a few days, then keep waiting again.