Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Or at least give it to us in a DLC or something.

    That was one of my favorite maps in the whole damn series.
  2. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    True, we have only seen four maps but they've stated that they're working closely with various community groups and we've seen that reflected in the changes to grifball. So knowing that they're working with MLG and that they've done a good job catering to the grifball and BTB focused communities thus far, it'd be safe to hope that they'd have some maps catering more toward MLG.
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    This might be the first time we've ever disagreed on something. MARK THIS DAY.

    I never saw the appeal of Longshore. Played it a number of times (mostly 1-flag) and every game seemed like a predictable and tiresome sort of tug-o-war due to the way the map was divided basically in half. The defending team rarely bothered to leave their side unless they had the offense badly outmatched, and truly there was no need, because the neutral territory wasn't that critical to winning the game. If you had a couple of decent BR guys to make sure nobody stood up high in the middle area and dominated from long range, you could easily let everyone else just kick back and defend the flag from various angles and be quite successful, even conceding the power weapons with the knowledge that anyone using them would be struck down well before they did any real damage (unless they just stayed in the middle, where they were useless). Maybe I played the map too much with randoms and too seldom with good teams, but I never experienced a good game on Longshore, and seldom even a decent one.

    Standoff on the other hand is a map I'm pretty fond of, despite the somewhat annoying design flaw immortalized in its name. I played so many good multi-flag games on that map, and if the teams were evenly matched it was good for slayer as well (though if the teams were more than a little imbalanced, it could be excruciating - but that's easy to fix with just a few small alterations to the map layout).
  4. Mangochestnut

    Mangochestnut Promethean
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    best big map in all of halo was relic. and headlong. Hope they bring back relic
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Thing is, you're not really wrong in design-critical terms. I feel that 1-flag is a strong example of how stagnant it generally is, though I see where you're coming from in that it was an asymm map and so was designed for it as a gametype. Idk, I feel that 1-flag can still be a lot of fun even with a distinct divide like it had. I never really felt too cut off as an attacker, sure the routes were few and distinct but imo had enough diversity and distance between them to make me feel like I had a shot the vast majority of the time. Idk, perhaps it's easier for me to cut it some slack because it's BTB, ia situation in which lockdowns showing the weaknesses of a map are much rarer. I also think that it played Slayer in quite an interesting way, as such a distinct divide (but one which offers nice opportunities for fighting within it) gives opportunity for "flip the map" style play. I agree that it's far from perfect in design terms, but from a personal perspective it just never ruined my enjoyment enough that much.

    CTF was pretty damn good at the best of times. I actually think it's a really fun design, my main beef is that it suffers from a smaller version of the Hemorrhage problem with out-of-base spawning. Hogs can run utterly rampant on that map if they choose to swing between spawns and do it well. Rockets and Laser are there to help, hell even some choice stickies have saved from that fate in the past, so it's not like the player is left without options, they're just quite out in the open themselves.
  6. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
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    Water/Wet - Works please (can't remeber the exact name of it)

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
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    I think it'll either be Valhalla or Sandtrap, and considering Sandtrap wasn't a very 'serious' map, I'm leaning towards Valhalla. It's got the Forerunner thing going on, it's a fan favorite. My only doubt is, we've seen the 'Bunker, Round' pieces, so I'm really hoping they don't just drop another Hemorrage on us and leave it at that. Avalanche perhaps?
  8. Zero Point

    Zero Point Forerunner
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    Picture of the campaign screen:

  9. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Agreed, and that was the exact thing I was obliquely referring to - in team slayer games with one clearly superior team, spawn-rape was ALWAYS a problem. I only played with randoms back then so I had to single-handedly break so many warthog spawn traps, and it was frustrating (though it made me really good with plasma 'nades and power drains vs. moving targets). You're right that Hemorrhage has the same issue, and I think the core problem is how exposed most of the non-base spawn areas are. This is another reason Valhalla is such a great map - spawns external to the base tend to offer more protection (except against banshees, but what can you do?) and would let you set up, get your bearings, and actually fight back a little bit instead of just getting immediately chewed to pieces.

    I think Standoff would benefit from a little more protection and separation to the outsides - it would help with this problem and also make the outer areas more conducive to objective running. Maybe some kind of low walls with no ceiling, or even a bunker external to the base, somewhat near the "secret" tunnel entrance? A little more cover around the trees/camo spawn would be a good thing too.
  10. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Where'd you get that pic Zero? We don't allow leaked images and this looks like one.
  11. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It says "eurodemo" in the bottom left of the screen. I'm thinking its just something 343i showed off in europe.
  12. Zero Point

    Zero Point Forerunner
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    #5992 Zero Point, Sep 11, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2012
  13. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    wow you fight elites........... again. Even though I thought that elites were allies.
    heres the link:
    Halo 4 - Halo Nation
  14. Zero Point

    Zero Point Forerunner
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    You're really really late to the party on that one. But as far as the remake discussion goes, I'd love to see Relic again. It hasn't been remade before, you can't play it on a current console, and it wouldn't be all that bad for 1 sided objective. But I'll be happy with Burial Mounds as well.
    #5994 Zero Point, Sep 11, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2012
  15. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Last I checked, Halo 2 still works in a 360 console, and the map disc is not that hard to come by or that expensive. All you need then is XBConnect and you're good to go.
  16. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, that all works. You just can't get the last map pack, which wasn't released except via xboxlive.
  17. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Is there anyone else who couldn't touch this site for the last two days?

    Grrr...every game I watch of Halo 4 makes me love the core more, but hate all the loadouts and sprint...

    So I guess the screenie confirms Skulls are back, not sure if anyone said that (probably).

    I want to see them pull an awesome ad like the Believe trailer (one of my fav ads ever) or Deliver Hope. Although I suppose we're getting FuD instead. Let's hope it's as awesome as the other live-action stuff. That would make me happy.

    I think I'm going to cave and get the LE. I'll probably make this my last console game ever, so I might as well go balls out with it. I'll probably end up getting the DLC anyway. What else did it come with again (besides armor, I really dun care all that much)?
  18. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    ME it was annoying. I kinda wanna see what infection will be like. They should make a separate playlist for linear infection, for people who enjoy that.

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It comes with all the DLC on the LE.
  20. Zero Point

    Zero Point Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Code to stream the FUD from Waypoint, Map Pack Pass, early access to the 6 specialization branches, Infinity Briefing Packet, skin for the AR and armor and an avatar prop and armor.

    As for the site, something happened to make it go down but was saved. I don't really know much about what happened. Someone else can explain that better.
    #6000 Zero Point, Sep 11, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2012

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