Glorious Evolution Was done today, as a little information for you; it is a character from the game League of Legends, his name is Viktor. Basically he was a scientist that had his work stolen from him, and he turned himself into a robot, afterwards he gained an obsession of "upgrading" everyone else and calls it the Glorious Evolution.
I probably should have explained that bit too, yes it is. It is a robotic arm that shoots lasers out the palm in the game.
I agree, the negative space here is just overwhelming. The thirdf fist draws up the eye as well, and once you are there it's not much to look at. The three arems all look awkward as well in the way they are positioned. However I do like the art style and what you wee going for, so congrats on that. I do like the peice, but I feel like it's incomplete.
Reminds me of samurai jack are style. If you do a few more champions I can easily see them been featured in a showcase. Getting to here nikasaur saying "And here is a few *insert fancy art term* pieces from aschur reminding us that mad scientist's don't have to look mad" be worth it.
Okay, I cropped it down a tad to eliminate some negative space. I can't do anything about the third arm without it not being Viktor anymore though. It was supposed to be going for a kind of open arms look that you see some political leaders do in a motivational speech. EDIT: also, I do have another piece related to League of Legends. I don't like it as much this one but I'll link it anyways. NOXUS! Also, thanks everyone.
That was kinda the point of doing it the way it is. I could try and make it looks a little more blocky like his other hands though, if that would help it feel better.
But it's a whole different look than the other two and blends in as if it were some banner flying in the background. It seems awkward and disconnected from the figure it is supposed to be a part of.
That's actually a lot better. My only big complaint now would be it looks so geometric. Just a fist. Sticking from what appears to be his shoulder. I would make it mor organic, you know, curvy and lifelike. Though now it looks like part of the man, so much better than before.
It's a robot arm. It isn't supposed to be lifelike. If anything the arm needs to be shrunk down again.
looks really good, but i do agree with everyone, that arm looks weird, like its not even attached to him at all. learning to take criticism is big part of being an artist. =)
Took a while to get back around to this piece but I changed the arm the people keep complaining about. Hopefully that will be the last change to it.