This is a small arena sized map. It works for all gametypes but try to play the recommended gametypes to really enjoy the map. Recommended gametypes: Team Slayer, King of the Hill, Territories, One Flag, and VIP. This map is for only about 2-6 players. Anymore players and the map will seem way too crowded. Recommend grenades turned off. Credits: HaloStriker214 and xxxmasterofuxxx. Without xxxmasterofuxxx this map probably wouldnt have been possible. Notice: Do not use oddball for we did not make it for oddball. Download Relinquished Pictures:
Thats odd, i just played here with you. It was a fun map, well made, but just a little too small. It would be fun if it was 2v2, or even 1v1, but for me 3v3 was just pushing it. It was good though. 4/5
reminds me of the good ol 1v1 map making days looks pretty decent, a wee bit small but i havent played it yet so i cant really dislike anything yet, nice job 4/5
Is this really happening.Halostriker actually made a map that includes semi good interlocking.This cant be happening. This map is really cool.It's nice 2v2.I like
"I would rather die on my knees than live on my feet." That's your sig. Isn't it "I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees." Other than that, this map looks great. =D
cool, I played on this like an hour ago with you. I think to get the best experience out of this you should have a party of 4. It still works with 6 but even then it gets a bit too crowded. I like it, I reckon it'd be suited best for team doubles or 1v1.
This reminds me of the Yugioh card... also looks like a fun map. It doesnt look too small to me, I like smaller maps. From the pics it seems like you have cover, but can still shoot across the map. Looks good.
Har Har Ting. And Shotguns would be way too chaotic. Perfect for when you need to entertain 3 other people.
Looks good. Can't tell if there is any interlocking in this map because the computer I am using has a low brightness level but looks clean none the less.
you should have more pics and maybe and overview of the map i cant really tell much about the map from the pics