I am proud to say no humans have ever survived a round when I start as a zombie. Those first few assassinations are the key to screwing them over. Hopefully more people try this style for infection.
I have played with the map in forge and made a side path after the gate opening. it's not great but it works to my suggested point and shows that it can be done. If you decide to don't want to use anything of that sort I understand, the map is still very fun. Still though, I would push for a slightly expanded holdout zone.
All your bank 1 x 2's probably. You guys have done an awesome job on this. Aihab is one of the few infection maps I know of where it is just as fun to be a zombie (or more depending on your preferences) as a human. I like where you guys are going with this, and I expect a large check from Berb for spending 4 + hours helping to get the explosion right. Hope to play this a lot more soon!
I OUTRIGHT REFUSE to work with movable objects spawning late into the game. You can have the check. You can have ALL the checks. I WILL NOT TOUCH THAT ****ING MECHANISM.
various rocks and blocks. Some unneeded pieces. Next time we are both on I'll show you what I did. I would love to have it work in another way than I made it, but I really just built it to see if I could and to visualize the suggestion.
Mingo is going to eat your soul if you deleted his ramp in the first area. Oh and mango, I just sat there for several hours telling Berb what happened after the explosion. I still expect a check.
Looks awesome but to me looks a bit themeless, try giving your map a theme and forging by that theme, you cant really do that in other gametypes so its important when forging infection to give a theme, it adds an extra dimension to your map and helps immerse players while playing.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... You might want to play the map first...or go into forge on it.
Thank you for essentially reiterating the first piece of feedback we ever heard about the map. We found the concern for Aihab to have a theme so serious that we even name the gametype 'Left4Aihab: "No Theme" Campaign'. The theme you'll find is expressed through the gameplay. This gameplay we sacrificed useless aesthetics for...
For berb and mingo, things like 1 x 2 banks blocking the glass on another piece does not fall into the category of useless aesthetics. Our map will have a few so called useless aesthetics it seems. All in all though, yes, Aihab does create an awesome and utterly terrifying atmosphere as you watch the clock tick down and the zombies come from every angle with shocking effectiveness. And as a zomb you feel so free to just mutilate peeps not paying enough attention or lagging behind... the theme of Aihab comes with the experience. In terms of a military bunker of sorts though I wouldn't say they did too shabby, but that is so the tip of the iceberg.
This looks like a whole new infection experience, i would really like to play on this map if you guys are still testing it or just for fun gt: hsvaginedotcom also from the picture the forging looks nice and i just can't wait to play this, honestly haha, also what happens at the end?
Sorry, but I'm gunna keep complaining until you add more shotguns. I can't help it. I get the idea of having everyone spawn with AR and have to cover each other. But almost taking the shotgun out completely is just not alright with me. Still love the map. But it does piss me off. And I will keep saying it next time we play it in customs. Couple more shotties. It's not much to ask for.
I hate shotguns in Infection. If you, as a human, only have an AR and a Magnum to work with, you are pretty much dead when a zombie comes close to you. With a shotgun, the only real advantage, the close range combat, is taken away from the zombie. Without a shotgun, the humans have to rely on teamshot to take a zombie down that comes too close. So if you are getting a bulltrue without a cheap shotgun, you really know that you were inches from getting infected. That's why my map and gametype won't have any shotguns at all.
Ditto, though occasionally having one as a power weapon is alright, though I would limit it to 1 clip per shotty. Actually though, Berb (and consequently myself) have no pistols off start either, so team shooting is really the only way to stop more than 1 zombie at the start.
I totally agree with Paint's point. After testing Aihab a few times I have an extreme hate for AR starts in infection. People need the choice to have either shotgun or AR as two different loadouts off spawn, like in L4D where you could pick a shotgun or smg off the table for your primary. It mixes gameplay up. As a zombie dying to a shotgun can be a piss off, but dying from nearly everyone spraying you down with an AR before you can even get close enough for a lunge is just as bad for zombie gameplay. Placing 2 shotguns on the map with no clips does not fix this problem since everyone races for those two shotguns, leaving everyone else with a longer ranged weapon, which is a problem since zombies are only able to infect at close range. Everyone huddles together into a holdout area and mow down zombies 1 at a time with ARs. This gets boring very quickly to me, both as infected and as humans. People with shotguns can cover people with ARs since the AR is more for taking out ranged zombies and the shotgun is close quarters. It'll keep people focused on staying alive and keeping their teammates alive instead of looking around the map for a shotgun if thats what they prefer using in infection. This should also reduce the amount of AR mow down sessions on zombies. tldr; I understand the logic behind removing shotgun starts and how it improves gameplay, but its also hurting gameplay too.
Not with the right map design. If your map is CQB for most parts, the humans don't have much time to react since they don't see the zombies coming. You'll have to create a lot of opportunities for the zombies to ambush the humans
It should also be noted that humans don't exactly make it to the end much on Aihab. Through this team shooting humans are not overpowered, they barely survive! I understand your concern but in this case Aihab gives a lot of preference to zombies, giving them many ways to come at the humans that cannot be all watched at once. Where this would be an issue would be if there were lot's of 1 way entrances where zombies are being funneled into a room with no safe-area to move in before dropping on a human, and at that point the map would be broken to begin with.