
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by wade, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. wade

    wade Forerunner
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    Championship - YouTube

    Have a score to settle? This is where you do it. Championship is my take on the ultimate Capture the Flag map. It also works great for Assault. It's perfect for both small and large team games. Each base has strengths and weaknesses. Each base has a set of well balanced, multi-tiered entrances. This map is all about the gameplay.

    At the heart of the map is the upper level Jump Block Crossing. Below that is the massive Magnet Rink. If you go for the jump block cross, you may end up in the magnet rink. The center of the map is intentionally open to make the players in the magnet rinks inability to jump interesting.

    The two gates, along with the two ramps on either side of the map add great short and long range conflicts. The light man cannons in front of the bases throw players up and into their opponent's base like old school pirates boarding a schooner.

    -6x DMR
    -4x Magnum
    -4x Plasma Pistol
    -4x Assault Rifle
    -2x Needle Rifle
    -2x Concussion Rifle
    -2x Needler
    -2x Grenade Launcher
    -2x Shotgun
    -1x Energy Sword
    -1x Rocket Launcher




















    (My favorites)



    Trench Run

    The Pool

    Civil War

    Thanks for checking out my map, Championship. Have fun!
    #1 wade, Sep 7, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2013
  2. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I'd rather not start this argument again, but don't you think this would be better suited for the casual maps section?

    Judging this as a casual map, it's pretty cool. The use of nothing but stepping stones for the upper level and preventing jumping in parts of the lower level should make for some pretty interesting gameplay. I would suggest making the stepping stones a bit denser maybe with a few corner adjacencies so they both provide cover for the players up there and make movement a bit less difficult. I assume the gravity pit is in the center of the map. surrounded by the 5x1 blocks. You might want to add a few more ways out so people are not so trapped there. No one likes being a sitting duck. If you'd like to keep this as a competitive map I can revise my review to reflect that, but I promise you won't like it.
  3. wade

    wade Forerunner
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    Haha, of course you are the first person to comment on this...
    If people start calling for this map to be moved then things have just gone too far. It is perfectly symetrical, the gameplay runs like clockwork, and even the biggest try-hard-camping-fool in the world can't stick a wrench in it.
    The stepping stones and grav-floor are little added bonuses. They are in no way necessary routes of travel, and they are not essential to the gameplay at all.

    If this map should be moved then I can go through the first 5 pages of the competitive maps thread and pick out at least 15-20 others that are much, much more casual.

    If you want to write a bad review I'm cool with that. Obviously I would encourage you to play it with me first, but I won't hold my breath. We have very different styles. As I said before, I can appreciate what you do, I just wouldn't want to do it myself.
  4. wade

    wade Forerunner
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    I'm not actually that upset. I always forget that tone of voice doesn't translate to text...
    #4 wade, Sep 7, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
  5. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Honestly, I'm with pyro. The use of stepping stones exclusively and the magnet rink, while cool gimmicks, are still gimmicks. If you do try to compile a list of fifteen to twenty "more casual" maps, please send me a copy.
  6. wade

    wade Forerunner
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    Yea I'm obviously not going to post something like that because I don't wan't to criticize other people's work for no reason. I'm a nice guy, and I like everyone on here. I will PM that list to you if you want Spin.

    Casual/competitive thing really is out of control. People sound like 1950's basketball players who refused to accept the dunk, or pre-Pele soccer players who could't handle the bicycle. If the game works it works. It's not a "gimmick."
    The jump blocks are there to create a 5th path of entrance to the opponent's base that is both completely direct, but also takes more time to circumvent, without increasing the overall size of the map.

    If you really wanted to you could cut entire the middle 1/3 of the neutral zone (blocks and Magnet floor) out of the map and it would still be a great, competitive, CTF/ assault map. If you are like Narfidy and you really, "no like jumpy puzzles" just don't go there.

    Thanks for the feedback thou. Whether I agree or not it's always appreciated.
    #6 wade, Sep 7, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2012
  7. LegitAssassin

    LegitAssassin Forerunner

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    i have downloaded the map and its awesome great job, but i am curious about one thing, im wondering why were there one way shields in the middle of the map?
  8. wade

    wade Forerunner
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    Thanks a lot man, I'm glad you like it.
    The first couple of times I tested the map people were falling off the blocks, or just sprinting straight up the middle of the map from below, and making it to the opponents man cannons too frequently. I put in the magnet rink so that players in that area would have limited exits, and be a little more vulnerable since they can't jump.

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