M'kay, this is my first attempt at an Invasion map, making use of a few areas of Forge World that I found interesting. It's designed to be a UNSC communications relay nested in the cliffs at the far end of the Canyon area of Forge World near the tunnel, holding important information in its stores. The Attackers start off at the edge of the Island area near the exit of that tunnel near the Coastline area. They have to make there way through the terrain (lets call it a hydro-power generating area for the barrier and the installation that the attackers are attacking) and capture one of two relays near the energy barrier blocking off the tunnel. Attacker Initial (1, 2, 3) and Phase 1 Spawns (A, B) Defender Initial (1, 2, 3) and Phase 1 Spawns (A, B) Phase 1 Objectives Once taken, the shield barrier drops and allows the Attackers access through the tunnel to the main installation. To aid in this, the Attacker spawns are moved up and they are given vehicles and some extra weapons. The Defenders, meanwhile, gain a couple of weapons to help defend against the vehicles, but not any vehicles themselves (this is partly because a Warthog and/or Scorpion wouldn't have much room to maneuver in front of the base anyway, but also to prevent them from easily driving down to the beach and hording the Attacker vehicles themselves). Once at the base, the Attackers have to capture one of two access terminals to gain access to the data core. Attacker Phase 2+ Spawns Defender Phase 2+ Spawns (1, 2) & Phase 2 Objectives (A, B) Once captured, the Attackers are given a new forward respawn zone, and two Grav Lifts are switched on up on the second floor of the base which lead up to where the data core is. The Attackers must make there way up, grab the core, and then exit the base and make their way down the hill to the waiting evac zone. Attacker Phase 3 Spawn Grav Lifts (1, 2) and Phase 3 Objectives (A) Well, that's my Invasion map, Installation. I've not been able to test it myself yet in any real capacity, but if anyone would like to give their thoughts or help me test it feel free to message me. Or, if you'd like to try it with some of your friends and give feedback (maybe even upload gameplay vids to your File Shares so I can watch them), that'd be great too. It's up on my File Share if interested. As I said, its my first real attempt at an Invasion map, so it may not even be any good, but I'm giving it a go. And I guess if it does suck I can always try and fix it or just learn and do better next time.
I don't play much invasion, but that ending stretch for the core carrier seems too open. Especially since there's so much verticality. How about moving that spaceship of yours closer to the map?
Hmm... I don't know if moving it closer would work since it's not that great a distance as it is (takes about 25 seconds to get to the ship from the core location at flag-carrier speed), but I do see what you mean about it being a little too open. Maybe if I put a few more rocks and/or another little wall/structure along the way?
Yeah, it should be fine, as long as it's not just stand alone rocks. Maybe some sort of small outhouse building that the core carrier could cut through for cover. If you're looking for inspiration, the small house in Powerhouse by the focus rifle is nice.
Seeing this is your first attempt at making an invasion map, it looks awesome Im serious, i also like the way the phases go, through the cave. One thing to mention though, if the core carrier is taking a go for it, he will probally be shot down very much, because of the open field and the height advantage of the defenders. Maybe at some cover / rocks? Looks quite nice, good job
M'kay, I added a couple little structures and a rock formation along the core-carriers path to the ship (see the last image in first post). That should provide enough cover for the Attackers final stretch with the core. Also re-uploaded the updated map to my File Share.
I don't think that's nearly enough. Especially seeing as I don't see how (lol) vehicles can come down from that base in phase 3. You should be blocking the LoS from above, not from level, so your building might be better off with two floors, and some kind of weapon to hold off snipers / vehicles if you haven't already.
How do you mean? The new bunker structure in the center-ish of the pic (where the red line crosses) can be entered to provide cover from snipers and such, and it has a little ramped opening leading down on the other side (can't see it from that angle). Also, the hill leading down to the ship is actually steep enough to where that little bunker is up off the ground the further out you go so players can fit under it as well, so it sort of has two levels to it. Or am I misunderstanding what you're concerns are?
Actually, on ground level, you don't even have a view of the ship until you get to about where that raised platform is at the bottom-left of the image thanks to the steepness of that hill. And from the base itself, the view is now actually very limited from each floor with that new little bunker in place. It looks more open than it really is due to the angle of the screenshot. The only slight exception to this is on the outer walkway that circles the top floor of the base where the core itself spawns, but even then, depending on how the carrier utilizes the terrain, they'd only be out in the open for about 4-7 seconds (at flag-carrier speed) for that final rush to the ship.
Yeah, it looks a little too open between each point, but I wouldn't feel right to judge without seeing a little more gameplay and footage. Honestly it doesn't look bad, my only recomendation would be scrapping that dish and antenae, they just look kind of obvious. Those Covenant vehicles look a little too grouped together, and maybe add some weapons, as I see none there.
The Phase 2+ weapons for the Attackers spawn at the covie-crates (2x Focus Rifles and a Plasma Launcher), and the Defenders get a Sniper Rifle, Spartan Laser, and a Shotgun, which spawn at the base. To start the game, there are Needle Rifles at each of the covie-barricades for the Attackers and DMRs inside the tunnel near the gate for the Defenders (both of those sets of weapons are removed after Phase 1, however). If you mean add more weapons, what would you suggest and where?