I'm almost done with a (hopefully) great Assault map, but I have one little error: the blue team respawns are not working! :cry: For each team, I have neutral respawn points, so that each team can spawn next to each other (this will make more sense when the map is released.) For some reason, the red team always is able to respawn while the blue team respawns randomly throughout Forge World. Does anybody have any ideas? I'm using a custom Assault gametype, with only a few minor changes. The only thing related to the spawning is that players only have 3 lives...
You will need to set up spawn zones given it's an objective gametype. I would help, but I have no idea how they work. I'm sure pyro or somebody will come to the rescue though.
Lol Auburn. The only reason players will spawn randomly around Forge World is if there are no spawn points for them to spawn. That can be caused if they spawn points are blocked, team specific, nonexistent, or occupied by other players (a subset of blocked). The gametype including life count won't make a difference. As it is your problem is making no sense because as long as you have sixteen respawn points on the map no player should ever spawn off the map. I could go into forge with you sometime to work out the problem.
Respawn zones aren't that hard. If I remember correctly, in this case for Assault, just go to Spawning -> Respawn Zone, and place the zone in the area where you're neutral respawn points are (adjusting the size of the box/circle so that it encases all of the desired respawn points). Change the Team ownership to the desired team, go to Advanced, and under Game Type Label select "AS_RES_ZONE". That should make it so that all of the neutral respawn points within that zone are accessible to the team that owns the zone. I have no idea if trying to give multiple teams access to the same neutral respawn points will cause any conflicts or not, but unless I'm mistaken that's pretty much all you do for respawn zones.
Simple assault spawns consist of one red and one blue strong deepen zone selecting the desired neutral spas points for the respective teams and labeled assault with gametype specific true. Improved assault spawns replace the labels on the above zones with assault respawn zone and add another around the plant point for each team labeled assault respawn away and gametype specific.
Ah, there's the problem. I have four respawns for each team, and they're in a very small hallway! xD I'll raise the roof as well as add four more to each side. I can't believe I was this stupid :haha: