Remake Halo 4: Haven

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by JamieD360, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. JamieD360

    JamieD360 Promethean

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    Ok, well I just signed up so I could share my map with others.

    It's the map 'Haven' from the upcoming Halo 4.

    Took me a good few days to build.

    A few things might need tweaking here and there, being as I haven't had chance to play test it yet. Things like weapon spawn times/ammo, spawns, etc...

    I'd like to get a part of 8 going, 4v4 sometime, to test it out.

    Currently only built for team slayer.

    Ideally, gametype settings should have 110% jump height.

    That's all. Enjoy the map!

    #1 JamieD360, Aug 28, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2012
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Despite the frame-rate issues that it suffers, I thought it was really well built and you had some nice object usage. I felt like I was on a real map for once, and I hope the layout is fairly the same in the final product.

    Good job man.
  3. JamieD360

    JamieD360 Promethean

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    Thanks. Yea, it's a shame about the frame-rate issues. I never thought I'd end up using the entire Forge budget. I tried to get it as close a possible to the real Haven from Halo 4 (in key areas at least), so it should be a good warm-up for Halo 4.

    Just got 8 people together, and it plays quite well actually. Players seemed to make use of the various shortcuts and jumps, etc..
  4. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Agreed bro. I have been looking for a nice halo 4 haven remake to go with my halo 4 adrift for a while

    Well done well done.
  5. tikitike13

    tikitike13 Forerunner

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    this is pretty boss i downloaded it and i bet i could fix some of the frame rate there might be less aesthetics but i would play better idk
  6. JamieD360

    JamieD360 Promethean

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    That'd be cool. If you get round to it, let me know. :)
  7. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's not so much a matter of using the whole budget as it is of using the entirely wrong objects on this map. You're using the small wall pieces, ramp steeps and railings all over the map, all of which are very screenlag inducing. You need to replace the curved walls with, for instance, bridge mediums, the railings must be removed completely but can in certain spots be subbed with other pieces, the ramp dpouble steeps need to be replaced with ramp bridges, possibly, and so do the larger bridge pieces you're using.

    You also need to remove the green light.
    Replacing the bunker boxes with 4x4 corners is highly recommended too, since they don't have any glass on them and actually resemble the shapes and looks of the geomtry in the real map somewhat much.
    #7 Hulter, Sep 9, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2012
  8. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    the picture you showed looks great, but you should add some more for the rest of the map...
  9. tikitike13

    tikitike13 Forerunner

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    I finished the update. the map is in my file share
  10. JamieD360

    JamieD360 Promethean

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    I don't see the map in your FS, unless it's 'wraparound v2'? But that was made 23/8/12, I'll download that in-case that's it...

    EDIT: So it was the one. I tried it, it plays better obviously, well-done. Just looks a bit too simplified for my liking now though. :/ A balance in between would be about right I think. You modified some things, like slopes which can be used as shortcuts to the upper levels (by the walkway gaps), but I thought they were pretty important. Still, not a bad job. On par with this other Haven map I found by Rezixx333 (can't remember exact GT), his is quite simplified too.
    #10 JamieD360, Sep 12, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
  11. tikitike13

    tikitike13 Forerunner

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    I simplified the map because all the aesthetics were not 100% needed and I have been trying to work out the slopes to make mobility better its just hard to keep frame rate down lol I will work it out some how
  12. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Looking around this the main cause of the framerate issues is the long sight lines. There are times when you can see areas with high object density across the map and that can have a big impact on framerate. Amputate a few of those and the map should be fine.

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