Intro: Hello ForgeHub. It's been a little while since I've posted another map, so I thought it was about time to show you guys another one of my projects. This map was made by myself (Robius5991) and (ares7991). "Shipyard" was a completely cooperatively built map that features a different area of Forge World that we haven't used before to create a map. This is my second Invasion map (also my second cooperatively built map) that showcases a cool water/land/rock layout. So, without more interruption, I'll begin with the description. The map (Shipyard): To start, I've got to say that the first phase concentrates mainly on a small combat area, rather than a larger widespread zone. The map (from the Elite's perspective) starts from outside a UNSC gate that has been blown open by a Covenant bomb. Elites can then charge through the debris of the smashed gate, over the rocks, and down towards the entry-way to the Shipyard. The first phase objective concentrates on two generator rooms, one being inside a control building, and the other on top of a platform. The two generators each individually powering the defences gates. The Spartans will initially spawn behind the gates and can run through to defend their posts. Once one of the two generators are captured, the gates de-activate and allow the Elites to charge the Cargo Ship. As a precaution, the Elites must bomb the control panel of the Cargo Ship to stop any possible Spartan escape. Vehicles will spawn in respective areas for each team and add to the intensity of combat. Finally, once the ship controls have been blown, the new, and final goal of the Elites is to capture the information basis core from the Lighthouse. They must then carry it over from the Lighthouse back to the generator station where their ships will return it to their Corvette. The gametype (Battle on the Docks): The classes for this gametype are the same as regular Invasion, and everything is same in the way of player limitations (such as shields and damage capacities), but the one thing that does chance is phase layout. I'll give you guys a quick example of what they are: Phase #1: Territories - 4 minutes long (20 second capture / 7 second defence) Phase #2: Assault - 4 minutes long (10 second arm / 5 second disarm) Phase #3: CTF - 4 minutes long (30 second sudden death / 45 second return) We did our best to modify the map so as to make it work amazing with each class set that unlocks as the game progresses. The mix of vehicles (without the presence of any over-powered vehicles) gives for a different feel in-game then most invasion maps give. It forces a lot more close-quarters combat experiences, as the mixed-terrain throws some methaphorical curve balls to the players as they fight for either offence or defence. Screenshots: This is the Elites' initial spawn (outside the destroyed gate). The initial loadout camera which shows the control room and the shipyard in the background. Here is the generator inside the control room. Another angle inside the control room, to show the multiple entrances (there are three). On the opposing corner of the first phase area, we see the platfrom that features the other generator, with an A.I for communication. Once the first phase finishes, a bomb will spawn inside the control room and the Elites' spawn will move forward, as the humans fall back. As the phase ends, the Elites get a Ghost, while the Spartans get a Mongoose. Here's an example of how the gates de-activates once the first phase ends. This is an outer view of the Shipyard, seen from far away. The second objective being inside the Cargo Ship. On the far right, the Spartans get their Mongoose and on the next phase a Warthog and a Rocket Launcher. A side view of the loading ramps to the Cargo Ship (there are two). Inside the ship, the control panel is the goal of the Elites' bomb placement. Once the explosion goes, the panel is destroyed and the last phase begins. A view of the Lighthouse from the Cargo Ship's defence system. A view of the rotating passage-way that leads to the top. Taking the pass offers more cover, but the Elite-built Man-cannons are a faster way up. A bombardement on the Lighthouse from the Cargo Ship. The infromation system, which the core was connected to, is set within the Lighthouse's heart. The Elites bringing the core to their pickout zone at the entrance of the shipyard. I tried to keep the picture amount limited this time around, while still giving you guys a good idea of how it looks. The map has a really competitive and fast-paced feel to it as the opposing teams smash into each other, trying to be victorious. Also, as I've said, the lack of heavy vehicles makes the combat a lot more player-skill based, rather than allow for high-sprees by vehicle usage. During testing, we found that all the core elements played greatly and it seems everybody really enjoyed themselves. On that note, I would like to thank everyone who gave us their time to help us test the map. Weapon List: Rocket Launcher: 1 Gravity Hammer: 1 Concussion Rifle: 1 Grenade Launcher: 1 Percision Weapons: A few Repeater Weapons: A few --- Warthogs: 2 (one is stationary on a platform that can only be reached by jetpack) Rocket-Hog: 1 (on Cargo Ship and is stationary) Ghost: 1 Revenant: 1 Mongoose: 1 Conclusion: That's all there is to say about this map. Thanks for your time and feel free to leave us some feedback and suggestions, be they positive or constructive criticism. I hope to see you guys on the forums again soon. Thanks again. Video Review: Halo Reach Forge Maps: "Shipyard" - YouTube
Thanks PAINTS 420 and Therenownedpuppy, I'm glad you both liked it. Although I made an LOTR Invasion map with my other friend, Xx10chickensXx, this was more along the lines of my first Competitive Invasion map. I thought that a dock-like structure along this small coastline would make for a new invasion kind-of experience. Also, I'm glad you noticed that I followed the Breakpoint settings, Thereownedpuppy, as it is my favourite Bungier Invasion map!
Wow, awesome! I really like what you have done with the phases, especially the third one, that lighthouse is epic Since i see gameplay pictures, i wonder.. Is it hard to get the core all the way over there? The lighthouse makes me think about Spire an little, drop the core down, and make sure the rest secures it. It looks great.
Wow, the people on ForgeHub are amazing. SpartanPeter, you totally got my design idea behind the lighthouse. It plays just like Spire, except a little harder on the attackers. My experiences on Spire taught me that it was usually very easy to get the core, so I added a few different aspects to change things up. Firt of all, the different Man-Cannons allow for a variety of entry-points to the Lighthouse, while the pathway and a jetpack offer a multitude of other options to reach the top. However, since the room up top is small, the Spartans can hold out, but the Elites will still have methods to stop them. Then, once they have the core, when they drop it, they must beware to not launch it in the water, or else its back at the spawn. After this initial hard-core confrontation, we found that once the core was down, with the Elites' advanced vehicles (Revenant in particular) they can cover their carrier and allow for the delivery of the core. I'm sorry for the long reply, but I thought you may like to hear how it all works. Anyways, I'm, glad you like the map and thanks for your comment!
You know the thing I hate about matchmaking is 343 took out squad dlc so you cant get achievments. When I play invasion I can never get on Breakpoint, trying to get the "You blew it up!". You have captured that matchmaking feel of invasion in a creative way no one else could of made. I mean come on who else made an invasion map by the bottom of the cliffs were you made it?
I LOVE love the theme you are going for. But the 2nd Phase looks pretty open. How much budget do you have left?
I agree with Alpine on the space being a little open, Maybe throw in some taller rock formations where the flat rocks are in pic 2. If you have enough budget, I could even see a building across from your first one made of brace larges with another territory or one moved in there, little bit of crossfire would spread the action out and away from the ground level where it's fairly open. Just some thoughts, otherwise awesome theme and it looks like you spent time on the gameplay aspect as well, I'll give this a dl and try to get a game on it. Well done!
I see what you both mean about the second phase being open, however, there really isn't any money left in the budget to adjust it. However, what you can't tell from the pictures is that the spawn points have been strategically positioned to give the Elites a little more time to reach the Cargo Ship. I know this is not the ideal fix, but considering we didn't have the money to add more line-of-sight blockers, I hope it doesn't take away from the fun of the game. Lastly, I would like to mention that during our testing, we found that most of the combat in that phase took place in the ship itself, because the Spartans felt it was the best place to hold out, since the Elites had the Ghost patrolling the flat outside. This led to some hilarious moments when the Elites would try to get the Ghost on the Ship and it would lead to quadruple hijacks. Anyways, just to let you guys know that from the tests we did, it was found that the phase played within a regular invasion game timeframe (ending within the last minute of that phase). So, thank you all for yout feedback!
Looks real cool. Liking the theme here and aesthetics are pretty good! Love breakpoint settings it is a nice break from territories,territories, CTF I think the first phase is the best one though. The bridge looks extremely open. It looks like you took some inspiration from the coastal highway mission in ODST why not add some aesthetic cover to make it look a bit like that?
Wow, I actually love that idea. To be honest, Costal Highway was not in mind while creating this, but I can see the resemblance. Anyways, as I've mentioned earlier, there really isn't any budget left to work with. However, I will forge around the map and try to find anything that can be deleted to allow for such an addition. Thanks for the tip!