I just finished making an Assault map named ChaosBall (it'll be released soon!) but I have run into a glitch. I went into Custom Games, loaded the gametype (I edited a few minor things such as bomb carrier traits, some respawn settings, things of that nature) and the map and started it. I had two people, one on blue team and one on red team. The whole time the announcer was saying "Bomb reset" over and over, and it wouldn't stop. Does anybody know about this glitch and how to fix it? :cry:
They both spawn above water, but they're fairly high up in the sky. Maybe I could lower them and see if that helps...
Does it spawn on something to support it? I'm pretty sure if the bomb falls when it spawns that causes it to reset.
Make sure the bomb isn't dropping into the water and make sure it's not in a kill zone or outside a safe boundary.