
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Vezuvius, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. Vezuvius

    Vezuvius Forerunner

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    "After centuries of serving its purpose, the Sentinel Wall still functions smoothly."

    This is Custodian, a medium sized map with some interesting features. See video for more details.



    Red Base

    Blue Base

  2. Legistics

    Legistics Promethean

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    The forging looks great but the map looks a bit to open, I advise put a bit more cover around the map.
  3. Alpine Drift v

    Alpine Drift v Promethean

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    This is waaay way too open. The bases look a bit sloppy too. Also the wall on the left (the big one) uses up too much budget with those decorative pieces.
  4. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Ad moar rocks out in the field so it looks nice when you add more cover.

    You can also use this to hide the weapons on the map in the rocks so there isnt like a random rocket launcer just lying on the ground or something

    Maybe give each side a warthog or two to fight with
  5. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks way to open, but i guess if you want that, more vehicles might be needed, nothing to big, like a ghost or something, also the structure in the cliff could be alittle OP for snipers with jetpacks
  6. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    The map looks really lazy to me. First of all, your bases are comprised mostly of a single building. The map lacks any sort of structure apart from the two buildings and that short bridge piece. As a result, those sniper nests you have will be extremely overpowered. The only feasible way to take out a sniper there would be to use the other sniper.

    There seems to be z-fighting on that huge wall of yours.

    Honestly, it looks like you put more time into that huge wall of yours than the rest of the map. You should add some structure around the map (make sure it's not all random stand-alone structures, like rocks, which someone suggested). Maybe a few more neutral buildings. You should also think of enlarging the bases and moving the power weapons further away so people have to move to get them. Also, as of now, there is no vehicle circuit in the map. (This is a general pathway that vehicles follow in circles or eights or whatever pattern)

    My impression of how the map would play: Not great. Everyone rushes the sniper, the team with people left at the sniper last snipes everyone going up that lift. Then, the team with the sniper gets the spartan laser and wrecks all of the other team's vehicles. If the other team tried to get in the vehicles first, they'd be wrecked either by those rocket launchers or sniped out by the snipers. Spawn killing would then commence.
  7. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    Oh jeeze...
    Where to start?
    The map, as said above looks really lazy.
    The bases are tiny and unpleasing to the eye.
    The map lacks structure the only reason to go outside of the base is a spartan lazer.
    Vehicles will dominate on this map. What you need is a balance between infantry and vehicles. At the moment this is lacking.
    You can add this by adding more structure.
    Maybe a good sized building on the coast.
    A building could give infantry a height advantage over the vehicles that will otherwise destroy them.
  8. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Exactly.. Waaay to open, in the middle you have an small bridge and i see in the overview you placed 4 flat rocks, in a square formation. That is just not enough, this is not just about adding some cover, maybe an structure on the beach with overview on the water, try putting some more effort in the bases, and really think something to forge for in the middle.

    There is no doubt you have much budget left, dont take all this advice from me and the others in a bad way, i mean, you should put some more effort in the map, the othes have really great advice, so just take some minutes to look at that, take the advice, and forge..! :D
  9. SimmonsZore

    SimmonsZore Promethean

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    map looks like you put this togeter in 5min. not very creative and way way way too open we can land the pillar of autumn in there use ur budget and take your time to build a good playable map you would be proud of
  10. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't think it's as terrible as everyones making it out to be. I get what you were going for. It looks like you were trying to design choke points, The way your cover/empty spaces placed. it kinda reminds me of hemorrhage. Although this could take a turn for the worst. Especially if your spawns aren't placed in safe, battle free areas. I could see it playing like a very large octagon map. Spawn and see a bunch of people. Another thing i gotta question is why both grenade types abd both precision weapons in the same spot..Haven't played it yet though. So that's all for now.

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