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Hello and Welcome to ForgeHub! I'm somewhat new here too. Also, if you wanna, here's an introductory thread: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/introductions/69300-new-forge-hub-all-information-here.html#post856202 Well anyway, HI!
Very nice picture you made there! Welcome to the forums send pictures of cats to noxiw and if anybody asks you to sniff their rags to see if they smell like chloroform tell them no and that that joke is getting old.
You made an ASCII Master Chief? Thats pretty much awesome. If ever you need another guy to fill up a lobby, don't hesitate to shoot me a message. If I'm not doing something, I'd love to join.
Hi all, thank you for the welcome. And though I wish I could take credit for it, no, I did not make that Master Chief ascii (the guys name who made it is in the ascii, upper left corner...at least I assume that's who made it), it's just something old I happened to have saved on file. But yeah, thanky for the welcome. ^_^
Aww, I love all you newbies really, just don't come along and act like an asshat like some of the others. You seem nice so far. Also, your Signature is awesome! You win a ♥ Sky point.
@Sky I stopped posting in the anime thread. Can I get a Sky point? That signature of yours is...well.. original
Hey there! Welcome to the ForgeHub community! I'm Carty, FH's Official Introductory Supervisor. You don't seem like a total asshat, asking for everything in the ****ing Forgeoverse, so welcome, and enjoy your stay. We need new people like you more.