Imperial Crest A 1v1 map by Zombievillan Well guys, before I post some pics, let me explain something. I was one of the lucky guys chosen to build a map for the 1v1 Smackdown Tournament. Towards the very end of our deadline, I started this map and threw it together fairly quick. In the end, it didnt work out with the gametype (thanks to the enhanced radar). So I was hoping I could post this preview, and when you 1v1 Guru's (you know who you are) are done tearing me apart and laughing at me, you could maybe help me out and make this a solid map. This map has a few four letter words in it; Symmetric and Arena style, lol. From what I have read in many discussions this is looked down upon but hey, maybe I can get it to work. So any and all feedback is welcome, appreciated, and %100 up for adding to the map. I just want the map to work out if possible so before you 1v1 guys let into me, remember I am not a 1v1 map maker. I managed to get an Asym into the tourney (scared to see the community reaction to that lol) but I am not experienced in this. I think this will play better without Radar than it did with it. I would reccomend the Smackdown Gametype without radar, as there is no CPU on the map. So far there is a GL at bottom Green Sniper in front of Gold Spiker at top mid (purple) 2 stickies on purple ledge a Needler in each base stairwell Healthpacks outside the base lower level DMR and frag in lower base Needle Rifle at either side of Gold Teleporter from Gold to top green Let me know what you guys think please. Is it worth messing with or should I just dump it and try again in Halo 4? Go easy... Download Imperial Crest Beta
This is unquestionably interesting and beautiful, though I cannot tell a whole lot from images. I would say i could hop in a game wit you, but y gold membership is gone. I really dont seem to be able to help too much, but I did want to let you know how wonderful this appears to be.
Well, they started as aesthetics but turned in to jumps, there were mixed feelings about them so I kept em.
This looks like a scaled down 2 base map, like Midship except with a death pit. I know it's a totally different layout, but it has the same components. Elevated bases with basements, two simple paths to neutral power positions lined up in the middle, and somewhat rumble pit in the center which no player wants to be in since it is vulnerable. The Sniper would be better of smack in the middle of that platform xxl instead of leaning on the strut, so that players will have to fully expose themselves to pick it up, instead of simply picking it up from behind cover. It's a more vulnerable position. It looks like players will just want to circle the map, pushing Gold or Green often, but the bases are power positions as well. A good Sniper may be able to run the map if the GL Launcher is exposed to it. The man cannon looks like a trap as well due to the audio cue and vulnerable landing pad. The several tac jumps look really neat and rewarding. The room triples were a nice touch too. I would like to download the map and check it out for myself. Ultimately I can see it appealing to competitive players because of it's simple layout and symmetry, but I don't see it appealing as an original, creative design. Am curious about your aforementioned asymmetrical map in the tourney. DL? I'll keep it on the dl...
This looks pretty big for a 1v1. Maybe I'm wrong but that's what I can judge from the pictures. I'll download and see. I do however, love the aesthetics and overall cleanliness present throughout.
It's not really too big, but I tried to make it so travel goes around the outsides a lot to prevent you from spawning on your enemy's radar. In the end it just didn't work out. There Weren't enough safe spawn areas without making rooms that were extremely capable with explosive weapons. I tried adding extra spawn rooms & even removing the teles but in the end, radar still ruined the map.
Those are room triples with antenna larges in the middle. At nooch, I would like to move the sniper there, but with the symmetry there's the problem of all the power weapons being too close since they have to be in the line of symmetry, which also kinda sucks. I thought of spawning it behind that perch in from of the tele but that puts it even closer to top green which might not be good either.
So I checked this out in forge for myself, and it's definitely a much better map than Updraft. It may not be an innovating design like I mentioned earlier, but there's more to it that the pictures show. The height variation was executed very nicely and the map is loaded with drop downs and tac jumps. I would rather be playing on this for the first round of Smackdown (if it had to be symmetrical), but you said it was broken by enhanced radar. I had trouble finding what was broken about it though, what was it? Anyway I think the Sniper would be okay in the middle of the platform. He does not have much of a LoS on the GL, due to the height variation and the bunker over the man cannon blocking the sightline. Plus he's very exposed on the landing pad. I would move the Sniper there, and move the Spiker somewhere else. Due to the symmetry, I would just delete the one you have, and place two somewhere else on the map, but add 30sish to the respawn time to account for the added Spiker. Also, in the 5th picture, why do the brace larges overlap? They don't need to.