The Last Existance

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by P1MPxSLaSH, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    The Last Existance

    Hey everyone! Its my first time posting in a loooong while! I try my best to make the best infection maps around, so I hope this lives up to expectations and is like nothing youve played before.

    The Map
    This map is meant for this gametype but can use any infection gametype. The idea of the map is to have the feel of nothing left. All is lost. You and your friends with you are the last alive. The dead will rise from all directions and claim you in their ranks unless you have something to say about it. You must seek shelter in whatever you can find before night comes in. The map starts off with about 15 seconds to nightfall where you must enter the bus in front of you to stay for the night. After the night creeps in, the door closes. Any survivor left outside must stay there to meet his end.
    You can shoot through all the windows and must take out the infected before they find a way to get in. The infected can grab you and eat you if youre anywhere even semi-close to the windows, so use caution. Theres some weapons lying around the bus and a hidden med-pack somewhere. Watch ALL AREAS to keep the zombies out until the timer stops and the dawn barges in.

    The Gametype
    I tried my best to try to balance everything out in this gametype: The Dead. You can play this with other maps, but this was created for this map. The humans can hit hit twice before their dead. The zombies die like someone would playing SWAT. The weapons youll find around the bus may be useful, but have VERY limited ammo so use every single shot wisely. The zombies will eventually have a ramp spawn to the top of the bus to where they can fall through.

    thumbnail image. The bus has plently of things for the zombies to get on the bus and attack through the windows. They cant get all the way through, but can reach their arms in quite a ways

    A survivor making his way inside the bus while the sun is still in the sky. There is one other small car that 1-2 people can survive in for a while, but its not very smart. The bus is the best option.

    inside the bus. Watch the ceiling entrance. If they can get in that way. It looks crowded. Look for weapons.

    A survivor shooting out the main door. Its been barricaded shut by the last person that was here...

    This map is a fun little minigame that can be fun with the more people you have! The more you work together as a team, the longer you can survive. The zombies find interesting ways to kill you, youd be surprised. If your not paying attention, you could be the last man standing in no time. be careful out there soldier.
    #1 P1MPxSLaSH, Jun 23, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2012
  2. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Are you kidding me? I was actually going to make an Infection map around a bus. :(
    Might as well cancel that now, I don't think I have enough time anyway.
    Now I really wanna know what this plays like so I'll try to check it out sometime! By the pictures I can tell you used a lot of railings and glass pieces, so I'm afraid there could be framerate lag, but I'll just tell you if I noticed any.
    #2 REMkings, Jun 24, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2012
  3. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    Iv had this one idea brewing but just now decided to make it. The map is reasonably small, so there shouldnt be any framerate lag. Im really anxious to see how this map does with a lot of people so if someone could DL it and play it with a bunch of friends Id really appreciate it
  4. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    It dosen't look too bad, the bus looks crowded though. Movement might be restricted there. Also, I would've prefered it if you built this in the canyon or the quarry, but I don't like the fact that there are coli walls as the playing space. Other than that not bad!
  5. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    i did actually build it in the quarry but I wanted a closed-in feeling to the map. and if anyone wants to play this at all and be willing to test it out, Id like for someone to host a customs lobby with it in there. They could play whatever I just want to test this at some point. would anyone want to do that?
  6. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm not supposed to advertize (have had some warnings in the past), but I hope the mods understand that I'm just really trying to help you out right now.
    I'd suggest checking out my signature for BIOC, and you will find a place where people can leave their Infection maps for others to test.
  7. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    yaaa i commented on you r thread but it was for last week. i asked in my post if u guys were up for this week as well
  8. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That would one **** of a moderator to call you out on that.
    #8 PA1NTS, Jun 26, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2012
  9. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Bloo Jay said he had to. He understood my meanings and he said he was okay with it in some posts, but I've also made the advertizing too obvious sometimes. I don't blame him, it's the rules. :(
  10. ArmadillosTHFC

    ArmadillosTHFC Promethean

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    One quick Gametype related question: Can humans jump? if so, they arent necessarily barred from the bus if they stay outside.
    I had a similar idea, invloving a train instead. oh well.
    i'm loving the idea, should make for some chaos...
    my only suggestion is pretty-ing (not a word btw) up the outside. to me, it looks like you built the car and bus, and then threw in the surronding scenery.
    overall, the map seems as it would be very fun. of course with noobs, this might get frustrating, but hey.
    What weapons are in the bus? do they respawn?

    Also, on a slightly unrelated side note, REM, do you remember playing magma mine alpha? i feel this would have a similar playstyle to the first section.
  11. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    This is cool, but the bus is sorta small.

    Also, when you said "The humans can hit hit twice before their dead."
    Does that mean the humans have to hit the zombies twice or the zombies have to hit the humans twice?
  12. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    the humans must be hit twice. Finally got to play this with a lot of people it was fun. People get mad if theyr the zombie a lot though
  13. TheOneHero

    TheOneHero Promethean

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    Looks to be a very good map. I like the idea of using barricades on the bus and the concept for the map is good aswell. Only thing I would say being very critical, is try and add more theme to your map and maybe a small backstory, really try and get people to feel like they are in a story, not just in some random area with buses and zombies.Other than that, great job man! :)

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