Navi Created by Dax UPDATE (9/5/12) After talking with chrs about some issues with the map, I've gone back and made a few more changes to open things up a bit and provide more ways to move around the map. The teleporters are back, but are now in more suitable locations. I will update the pictures shortly, but for now, I guess this will suffice Oli, you're the man. Navi - YouTube This is the second map I've completed since I started using Reach's forge. Whenever I first saw the Smackdown forge contest, I immediately started thinking of ways to design a map that would work well with the specifics of the gametype. Even though it was designed with Smackdown in mind I still think it works well with 2v2 and FFA. I'm glad I was able to get so much help from the community as well! Couldn't have done it without you guys. Now about the map, it's an asymmetric Atrium-esque style design. Originally I had 2 teleporters in the middle area leading to opposing sides of the map, but it ended up being more of a hindrance on gameplay, so they've been removed completely. In place are a pair of tactical jumps. There's high ground on opposing sides of the map, but it doesn't get overpowering with two power weapons (sniper and GL) on the lower floors in between the two. It's a relativity close quarters map, but with a few long lines of sight that can really come in handy to a skilled sniper. Weapons List 1 Sniper - 0 spare clips - 120 second respawn 1 Grenade Launcher - 1 spare clip - 120 second respawn 1 Needler - 1 spare clip - 30 second respawn 1 Spiker - 1 spare clip - 45 second respawn 2 Needle Rifles - 2 spare clips - 30 second respawn 1 Plasma Pistol - 45 second respawn 1 Plasma Grenade - 20 second respawn 1 Custom Powerup - 180 second spawn after start Old Pictures Spoiler Thanks again to everyone who helped, gave feedback, and tested! Adyless Auburn Behemoth Benji chrstphrbrnnn DC EpicChief117 Fatalityz FrozenGoatHead Miraj Shik Rorak Kuroda Shad0w Viper Shock Theta SuperCoolHerb Transaction Zero Let me know if I forgot anyone! Also a special shout out to Aschur for making those nice image borders
*reads thread* *realizes he's played Navi and intended to write about a map called "Updraft* *realizes he's got both of the maps switched up entirely* FACEPALM Anyway, this map played nicely. I tried breaking it with enhanced radar and I failed miserably. But that might just be my game. Hopefully we can get a nice discussion going unlike some of that flaming in the Updraft thread.
Looks like you've made some major changes since I last saw it. I won't comment on it until I check out this new version, but I do hope it's been improved significantly... Also looks like you got rid of those god awful looking teleporters, thank god.
I think now officially Dax is the 1v1 god in my eyes. Just saying . Ive gotten a game or 2 on updraft and that ones just gorgeous. This looks almost like a more vertical version of that map. Looks beautiful. if i can get a game up on it in the next 4 days (school starts soon) i will comment again
Thanks a bunch guys. Schnitzel, be sure to let me know after you've checked it out. I'm really interested to see your thoughts on this final version. And narfidy, they really aren't that similar, but glad to hear the kind words nonetheless
Great video, although IMO the FX were a bit much. Also, I just noticed this in the video.. the covers upside down/backwards look like creepy faces..