Zombie Mall

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by soaring eag1e, May 22, 2008.


What to you think of Zombie mart

  1. Best infection map ever! :O

  2. Great Map! :)

  3. Pretty good map :]

  4. Not too good... :'

  5. Terrible! >:[

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  1. soaring eag1e

    soaring eag1e Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Here is the description, pics - everything you asked for!

    "The zombie hoard is growing, soon all of mankind will be consumed -Prepare for man's last stand!"

    Gametype needed - Survival

    Think you can survive a Zombie infested mall?
    (Mall overview) - there are various stores - These are :

    Covenant Weapon Shop - Pic
    Includes - 2x carbines, 2x spiker rifles, 1x plasma rifle, 1x energy sword, 1x beam rifle.
    specialises in - military captured covenant weapons
    Fast Food Restaraunt - pic
    Includes - 1x Flamethrower, 2x Firebomb grenades
    specialises in - Fast food
    Ye old time wepons shoppe - pic
    Includes - 2x gravity hammers, 1x energy sword, 2x deployable cover
    specialises in - new versions of old fashioned weapons
    Bar - pic
    Includes - 1x shotgun
    specialises in - serving alchohol
    Clothes shop - pic
    Includes -3x custom powerup (changes player color), 1x bubble shield
    specialises in- selling different armour colors
    Electronics store - pic
    Includes - 1x power drain, 1x flare, 1x radar jammer
    specialises in- selling electrical goods
    Explosives store - pic
    Includes - 2x plasma grenades, 1x trip mine, 2x spike grenades, 2x brute shots, 2x frag grenades.
    specialises in- Explosive weapons
    Warehouse - pic
    Includes - 1x plasma pistol, 1x assualt rifle
    specialises in- Cheap unpackaged goods at discount prices
    Sports store - pic
    Includes - 1x Mauler, 2x spike grenades, 1x Regenerator
    specialises in- Sporting goods and mountain climbing gear.
    Human Weapon store - pic
    Includes -3x Battle rifles, 2x Assualt rifles, 2x magnums, 2x SMGs, 1x sniper rifle, 1x frag grenade
    specialises in Kickass human weaponry!
    Mongoose showroom - pic
    Includes - 1x Mongoose
    Not really a store on it's own but a key location none the less
    Be careful - guns don't respawn and ammo is limited so place shots well! + you only start with a pistol!

    Action Shots

    - zombies breaking down the front door
    - defending the weapons store
    -overhead view 2
    - Exploding mongoose
    -Stairs and rocket spawn

    ..::please download and comment!::..
    It would be much appreciated!

    My other zombie maps -
    Last Stand v2
    The Last Stand (not the same map - based on the flash gameby ConArtists

    Thanks for reading!!

    The opinion
    wow this is a great mall map...... i was thinking of making a mall, but u beat me to it lol anyway i cant wait to play infection on this map great job a def 5/5

    this maps sweet!

    Very nice. 5/5

    awsome map man your realy good on forge

    brilliant map 5/5

    Love it dude!!!

    Seriously 1 of the best infection maps ive ever played on. Even comparable to stairs to hell =D

    survivals a good gametype for this too. GJ MAN!!!

    Brilliant, absolutely brilliant in my opinion. If Dead Rising had a multiplayer (which only God knows why it didn't), this would be it. 5/5.

    Looks incredible!Nice job!

    Bungie.net link - http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=19356487

    Overview pic of the map - http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screenshot_viewer_popup.aspx?gamertag=soaring eag1e&ssid=28996986

    Description taken from bungie.net post - map can be found by following the link

    Please reply and tell me what you think! The map has over 1700 downloads on bungie.net so you know it's pretty good! 4/5 rating too!

    (edit) damm typed bumgied.net indtead of bungie.net! How do you edit the title?
    #1 soaring eag1e, May 22, 2008
    Last edited: May 22, 2008
  2. GoReMaGoN

    GoReMaGoN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh shnap! pretty good map man. ive been tryin to create one like that but i gave up on it. Beat me to it, and *props on your map* $]:?)
  3. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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  4. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    even though there isnt much showing in the pic it still shows alot about the map. it looks also like you put alot of thought into it
  5. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    Ill download coz it actually looks like a fun slayer map too :()
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good from that pic but do you have more we could look at?
  7. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
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    If all the shots on bungie are of this map, it looks like fun...however, it seems a bit heavy with the weapons...looks like a well planned map...review other maps and get some ideas...it will make your future maps and posts a lot better...great job n keep on forgin!
  8. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Drat! I was hoping to see a working escalator, oh well. Good job, but please embed the picture and add more pictures as well
  9. soaring eag1e

    soaring eag1e Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I will answer these questions:
    1- I wanted to call it zombie mall but i somehow the xbox found "mall" offensive
    2- More information can be found on the link given to my bungie.net post(i spent alot of time making the decription and since i am a slow typer i don't want to type it out again!
    3- More pics can be found on the main description next to the shop names etc

    Hope that answered most of your queries!
    #9 soaring eag1e, May 22, 2008
    Last edited: May 22, 2008
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well upload them to photobucket/imageshack/etc. and embed them here other wise you probably wont receive a lot of comments on the map but on the post.
    It weird to see so much effort put into a post and yet leave out pics.
  11. soaring eag1e

    soaring eag1e Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why is everyone acting as if there are no pics! sorry but many i just have on the bungie.net and not photobucket/imageshack etc because it's easier for me that way!
    #11 soaring eag1e, May 22, 2008
    Last edited: May 22, 2008
  12. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
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    Wow, looks amazing for the objects foundry offers. Very creatrive, I've seen many attempts that looked horrible, but this looks great. Gonna DL!
  13. eskykhess

    eskykhess Ancient
    Senior Member

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    awsom map looks good ill dl
  14. Terminate421

    Terminate421 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks pretty good, ill consider though interlocking objects gives the map a more professional feel
  15. soaring eag1e

    soaring eag1e Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the positive (and negative) feedback!
  16. DTA MoonDawg

    DTA MoonDawg Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I downloaded this about a week ago. I really did like it, and it was a fun map to play. However, I don't know what it would be like in a 16 player game. Seems too small for my tastes.
  17. soaring eag1e

    soaring eag1e Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah it works best with about 8 players!
  18. DTA MoonDawg

    DTA MoonDawg Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, 8 players sounds like a good size match for this. I couldn't find a lot of the stores though, lol. I had to bare squeeze around a corner to get to it.
  19. soaring eag1e

    soaring eag1e Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Actually i built the mall structure first and added the stores later! I also ran out of objects to place down, even using the infinite money glitch! Also the maximum number of items possible have been placed meaning that a v2 is extremely unlikely!
  20. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    this is a great map, i was making the exact same kind of map after playing "Dead Rising" so i wanted to make a map where zombies are very slow (just like in the game) and there are different kinds of weapons everywhere. we have the same minds but in the end, im just too lazy to finish it up... =P
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