I have to say, i'm more optimistic about Bungie's 'Destiny' having seen nothing than I am about Halo 4. If that's what you end up working on congratulations, good-luck, wish-you-well, e.c.t, e.c.t. Brag while you can, because soon you'll be contractually obliged to modesty. Spoiler
If you're jealous, go for it yourself. I have a degree in psychology and no coding...just had to move to the area, get involved, meet some devs, and pursue the goal.
On one hand I'm happy for you because you got a job at Bungie but on the other hand I feel sorry for you because you're going to be a tester.
Good luck man, testing jobs are muuuuuuch harder than most people think. I applied for a few Bungie jobs as well but it was more of just a curiosity than a serious pursuit of a job there.
Holy **** Lance. Congratulations Mr. Chops! I know you wanted that job quite a bit. Enjoy your time man.
but we can live vicariously through you. and you know, not do all the work n stuff you did. Congrats doe. I can't imagine what their new IPs like.
Wow congrats dude, I wasn't active enough back in the day to remember you, but congratulations none the less. I graduate from Full Sail University next August and plan to get a job with Certain Affinity. That's my dream, to start off anyway... Good luck.
my brain associates you with older times Lance, older as in back when i was a totally different person. it's a delight every time you come around. i remember you commenting on my Bnet map threads, crazy to think you're actually working there now. congrats man.
Well, I still don't know you all too wall, but I do remember you posting something a while back about the possibility of getting a job at Bungie. Now that the dream is finally realised, you should feel lucky to be able to have fulfilled a life goal, and extremely privileged to be working for such a prestigious company. I'm real jelly, by the way. 'Grats and good luck!
SUCCESS. Have fun flaunting those OG flames on Halo 3. I hope this turns out well for you, working at the 'Good Guy Greg' of Video Game companies. I look forward to looking for your name in the credits of Bungie's next game.
Also, do you guys have a betting pool at Bungie on or not 343 will royally screw up the Halo Franchise?