Rock-paper-scissors in Halo! Really! Will you choose rock? Your opponent might pick paper, though. Better to go with scissors.. but what if they pick rock? Download rock-paper-scissors MAP WILL NOT WORK WITHOUT THE GAMETYPE The game is simple: walk into the chute corresponding to your weapon of choice. The rest is handled automatically by the map and gametype--just sit back and relax! 2 players compete, but the map has an overflow lobby to support a full party. Here's a demonstration of the map, a film clip from my battle with FyreWulff. It might be hard to follow until you understand how the mechanism works, but here's the run-down: Round 1: I picked rock and FyreWulff picked scissors--I win. Round 2: I picked scissors and FyreWulff picked rock--I lost. Round 3: We both picked rock, so no one wins and we are forced to let the game clock run out. [BUNGIEVID]18348265[/BUNGIEVID] Curious about how it all works? I'll give a quick summary of the mechanism. The gametype is FFA KOTH, but to make things easier to follow, let's pretend there is a Red player and a Blue player. FIRST: Red picks rock. The red rock chute triggers blue paper chute to open. A teleporter spawns, moving Red from red rock to blue rock. SECOND: Here are the possible outcomes: #1 Blue picked paper. The blue paper chute is open and Blue falls into WIN teleporter. Red triggers blue rock to open and Red falls into WIN teleporter also. The WIN exit node is occupied by Blue; Red is not teleported. Red continues to fall into LOSE teleporter. Blue's paper beat Red's rock--Blue wins, Red dies, round over. #2 Blue picked scissors. The blue scissors chute is closed and Blue is stuck. Red triggers blue rock to open and Red falls into WIN teleporter. The WIN exit node is unoccupied; Red is teleported. A second LOSE teleporter spawns over all blue chutes; Blue is teleported. Red's rock beat Blue's scissors--Red wins, Blue dies, round over. #3 Blue picked rock. The blue rock chute is closed and Blue is stuck. Red is teleported on top of Blue and cannot trigger blue rock to open. The second LOSE teleporter spawns over all blue chutes; Both players are teleported. Both players picked rock--both players die, round over. There are smaller details I'm omitting, but that's the gist of it. If you followed all of that, you might notice that there is an inherent design flaw: inactive players. Red can win without Blue, but Blue can't win without Red. I installed a separate mechanism to fix it so if one player is inactive, the other will always win--Red or Blue. Phew. This took some.. creative thinking to bring together. I kept going back to b0angeres' clever Skeeball map in my mind, trying to devise an elaborate system of teleporter-blocking golfballs that rolled through some sort of fusion coil-controlled network of tubes. I kept getting stuck when it came to dealing with both players picking the same weapon. After going in circles and scribbling a dozen or so diagrams, this mechanism finally came into focus. It's amazing what you can do with Forge's limited palette. Imagine.. p.s., thanks to Schooly D and FyreWulff for help testing! ENJOY THE FUTURE OF HALO COMBAT
DANG from all of that description I still can't understand how you did it!? AMAZING IS THE ONLY WORD TO EXPLAIN THIS! Great work!
Wow pete, thats incredible! The mechanism for Knockin' Zombs was clever enough. You have outdone yourself with this incredibly clever mechanism. AND I think its ironic how the scissors are made of rocks. XD ^My bad, my eyes are playing tricks on me.
Okay I with the first guy, all that explaination and I still don't understand. But it is truly innovative. You have a DL.
This is incredible, I had no idea that rock-paper-sicissors could be possible to make. Definitely downloading it.
This looks amazing, especially the scoring system. I couldn't quite understand how it works, probably because its late where I'm at. But I can tell its complicated enough to barely explain in text. Also I love that you added scissors for aesthetics. Great job!
Thanks everyone! It might seem like a simple game, but I've had fun playing it with some of my XBL friends. Trying to guess what they'll pick can be strangely entertaining. I had one 5-round game where we tied every time.. that was amusing Another game where the other guy seemed to manage to outsmart me every round.. and another where I had the upper hand and my opponent lost every round. You gotta get inside their heads
1. You must be using both the map and the gametype (don't use Forge) 2. You must have at least two players. How can you play rock-paper-scissors by yourself?
Great work man, this looks incredibly difficult to make. I just saw your FEATURE, congrats you deserve it! Definate DL from me, I wanna see for myself excatly how you pulled it off.
Just reviewed your map. The mechanics are spectacular, and gameplay is smooth as paper (ftw). "Rock-Paper-Scissors" - YouTube