I never submitted Angst. I figured the best way to show my disapproval of the settings was by refusing to contribute to the tournament. Congrats to Dax on the feature.
Congatulations bro. Updraft is a very fun map and my favorite of the two you submitted. Now all that's left to do is wreck you on it some more
I may not agree with the map, but I can't deny that you did put a lot of hard work into it. So on that note, congrats Dax.
Lol. I saw the update on this thread and saw "latest post: SecretSchnitzel" and thought.. "oh snap.. lemme click this for the lolz.. someone's going to be flaming".. @Isao I thought someone mentioned that more complicated layouts worked better? Or was that person not staff? Don't remember anymore..
Not sure, I mentioned the maps that are too complex are partially helped by enhanced radar. You still have all of the complex routes to deal with for chasing players. It's basically putting a band-aid on a wound and considering it healed. Then again, I got 3 notifications in the last 4 hours probably telling me I'm an idiot and I'm wrong. Edit: Yeah I was right. 2 of them were from Throwdembows. He told me to drop it, when all he does is mock me. Fantastic. At least I know that Angst wasn't submitted.
Congradz bro. I do know for a fact that you spent a lot of time working on it, and enjoyed the tests that we did.
You're definitely being the mature one here, I asked to at least take it to PMs (or VMs) and you can't even do that. I guess you don't get as much attention that way.
Oh yay, it's this discussion again... Maybe anyone other than the repeat participants will give a damn this time. Nope? Oh well. Better luck next time, guys. And the time after that. And the time after that. And every single thread with the word tournament anywhere near it. Is it really that hard to say "Well done, Dax" and move on? Or just not post at all and continue the most redundant discussion in the history of the universe in one of the other 5000 threads it's already taken over?
I removed the majority of my last post so don't worry. Throwdembows finds any way to be a douchebag to me and I'm the one being reported, it's incredible. And sorry, it actually is difficult to say well done. Why would I say something I don't mean? And why would I just want to witness the "competitive" side of Forgehub agreeing with each other 100% of the time, when in reality it's not true? It just makes a community of people with no room to grow (in knowledge). If that's what you want then that's completely sad. Nowadays, I find myself leaving feedback on maps when people ride the mapmaker's **** about it when they can't find issues on it. I don't want a community full of people that lie through their teeth, just to be nice to their friends. Someone has to open their eyes. Forgive me if that's such an issue here. I think I should start downloading maps and leaving feedback again. Maybe I'll actually make a difference here.
A Grenade Launcher with only one grenade in it at a 1:30 respawn time? That's... that's just wrong. Also, I'm still not a fan of how cramped this map feels.
I agree, Ben. People do lie through their teeth to avoid confrontation, and appeal to other members. If you are not particularly fond of a map, you should not pretend to be. But you do have to understand Ben: a feature thread is made for everybody to congratulate the creator and explain why they like the map. The original thread is where the constructive criticism belongs. Yes, start leaving more feedback. This site is lacking members who are willing to spend a couple of minutes to benefit somebody other than themselves.
I had assumed you read my pm beforehand and posted on here regardless because you mentioned me wanting to drop it. I forgot that was the pm title, I guess you glanced over it. That's my fault. If you must respond, PM me instead.
Quoted for truth. Unfortunately if you leave genuine feed back, people here take it as you being either an unpleasable ass or as some personal slight against the author. If your opinion about anything here is outside the "norm", being that it's different and you actually think for yourself and question things rather than blindly accepting the status quo, people get extremely cross with you. But you've also got to remember, the bulk of this forum is of a very young age with very little real world experience. It doesn't reflect well on us to escalate or further the arguments (arguments that started as debates until some one's panties got twisted) that occur here though. We should most definitely have taken note that whatever we do or say will fall upon deaf ears and in all actuality, our presence here is neither a welcomed one nor an appreciated one due to the paradigm of perception here. In other words, Onslaught.
Updraft plays the Smackdown gametype very terribly. The map is practically made up of corners and wrap-arounds, the one thing that should be avoided for enhanced radar. A player can play cat and mouse for loooong periods of time, escaping many near death experiences. I am disappointed with this feature. Updraft is supposed to be the best forge out of all the submissions, but it is broken by the very gametype it was supposed to support. Even without the gametype breaking the map, it is still, in my opinion, a poor design. There were better maps to start and finish this tournament with.
But the thing is, that's not true. For the most part the staff have to refrain from getting into the middle of heated discussions but I can't let blatant untruths be posted. The map does not suffer from wrap-arounds, and in fact is one of the better maps for cutting people off as it employs a lot of one way routes to force player movement and prevent doubling back. I don't know what else to tell ya..maybe you haven't put a lot of focus into improving at the gametype? I dunno, but the maps have been well tested and I can tell you that we've already encountered many an instance where the "no radar band-aid" would have helped the spawning issues on maps. It works both ways. Play the gametype more? Try to think outside the no radar box?