hi all, just thought id show a preview of one of the maps in my 7th and last map pack which is called.... you guessed it.. Dist-Ribution!! im currently in beta stage with this map so i thought id just show a little pic of the map and see what you guys think; so yeah thats a little teaser with more pics one team has a falcon and the other team have a Default hog so what do you guys think?? if you have any questions go ahead and ask, thanks
haha i dont realy see how and dont worry ill be posting more pics eventualy more in depth its just a little preview atm
I will tell you that the falcon will be overpowered. Apart from that pipe, there's nothing that a falcon driver can't just go around to get his gunner a better view of. Even that brace large construction is kinda iffy. Good luck on your map pack!
oh no dont worry, ive done some beta testing with about 8 people playing and there are numerous places to hide and in some ways its very easy to take down, also the falcon cant go over the pipe it has to go under so it will be inline with the turret at the other base and the hog has a very good chance of taking it out i will show all hiding places tomorrow when i get back from work. thanks for your reply though and thanks its going very well at the moment
Are those hiding spaces adequately spaced out? And what do you mean by "the falcon can't go over the pipe"? "Can't" being the operative word. Is there a hard kill zone above the pipe? Or just a soft one? I would recommend against a straight hard zone - it would probably catch a couple first-timers off guard. That being said, I don't see a way around the problem... Also, what kind of weapons are on the map? Anything noteable? And what kind of hog? As for the turret, I wouldn't consider that a huge factor. People rarely use the turret because it's so easy to snipe them and because it's just plain annoying to be stuck in one place / moving very slooowly.
Haha I'll answer all your questions the evening with pictures don't worry the people I've done testing with say it's evenly balanced so yeah as for your main concern it is a soft kill all around the map so you do have time to get back in
@robster I'm talking about the pipe. If it's a hard kill, falcon drivers will be annoyed. If it's soft, it doesn't have any significance. If you layer soft<hard, players will assume soft and be annoyed. It's a lose lose situation.
yeah thats what i mean its got a layer of soft kill, you prob can get over it but as soon as people see the soft kill theyll usualy turn back [br][/br]Edited by merge: I've posted a lot more pics now do, what do you think??