Serum By Noooooch Description: An asymmetrical room based map. 2-4 players. Tags: Noooooch, Serum, FHSmackdown, 1v1, 2v2 Blue Room Yellow Room Red Room Orange Hall Lift Room Cave Ordnance: Sniper Rifle x 1 / 58s / 0 spare clips Grenade Launcher x 1 / 58s / 0 spare clip Spiker x 1 / 60s / 0 spare clips Custom Power Up / 90s Active Camo / 90s DMR x 2 / 10s Frag x 2 / 30s Stickies x 2 / 30s Health Pack x 1 / 15s
I really like how the map doesn't look to boxy. The height variation is also very cool. The room with water and the rocks really flow well with the rest of the map. Good job, you just got yourself another download
Great map Noooooch, great designs make this map look like a perfected combination of Hang 'em High and Cold Storage. Good luck in the 1v1 FHSmackdown.
He said it was for 2v2...not 1v1 Anyways the map looks good and it inspired me to go work on my own 2v2 map. I need to reduce framerate but I am having a bit of forgers block...
It says 2-4 players, and it is tagged with FHSmackdown, so you're wrong dude. Anyway, I have played this with you a couple of times and definitely enjoyed myself. There were quite a few weapons and powerups, but the map supported all if them well. I do however think this map would play much better without radar, but even with it was fine. Good luck to you in the contest.
Very solid Nooooooch. Head and shoulders above anything else you have created design wise. Good separation, good balance of power, incentive for movement, and all the other characteristics that a successful map must possess. Great job. I will say though, the crate jump up to the doorway really annoyed me. It looks as though you wanted a ramp there, but something went wrong during the creation process.
Thanks guys. It's for 2-4 players. Forger's block happens. Sometimes the best thing to do is to just stop and take a break for a few days. I've rebuilt this map once and have redesigned each room and hallway several times over for a few weeks until I posted it. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. The several 1v1's we played helped me balanced out the spawning and weapons/power ups so thanks man. 1v1's are new to me so it felt like I was overloading the map by placing 2 power weapons and 2 power ups, even though I know that many 1v1's have just as many weapons and power ups. During our games we had some interesting scenarios like GL/Camo vs Sniper/Custom so those were reassuring. I increased the respawn time on the powerups (by 30s) since then though, focusing more on the Sniper and GL. Thanks dude. This is my first 1v1 (Arena doesn't count), so I really focused on creating an interesting and balanced play space above all else since there are less players to design for. Actually that room (red) didn't even have that doorway until pretty recently. Before that door, blue and red only connected by the walkways above it, or through the cave. The door ended up acting as a 3rd way to grab Sniper after I created the Sniper elbow too, so I liked that about it. I think the room would be too cluttered with a 2nd ramp though. Thanks for the comments everyone.
This is deffinantly a worthy map of the 1 v 1 smack down (now i will never partake in this contest of yours) but i would happily vote for it
I'm really impressed with the diversity of pathways, it creates a sense of connectivity to all of your rooms. Other maps usually fail at this, making them feel unnatural and autonomous spaces. Your forging style has really become present to me with the release of this map. I know what pieces you like now and the chunky structuring of them; rocks, short tunnels, elbow pathways, etc. You're quite the auteur. I'm loving all the new weapon placements and tele adjustments, it's the subtle changes that make all the difference. I'm still unconvinced that camo is properly placed though. Seems hidden and campable to me. Despite that, I think this is truly a great map. Spiker at the bottom orgasmic YES
I used a lot of the same pieces I used in Memento, particularly the staircase (and large braces, duh). It's hard not to use the short tunnels since there literally is no other fitting door piece, and creating your own door takes about 4 objects to do what one short tunnel can, plus it doesn't poke through anything. I moved the Camo since we played it, it is no longer tucked away in a "pocket," the pocket isn't even there anymore. Look at the first picture. The Camo is now viewable from the lift room and the window in the second picture. Also, thanks for your feedback Warholic. The little details we went over really helped me polish this map even more than I thought it would be. Thanks again dude.
First did I miss the new placement of camo? Great decision for the move, adds to the structural theme of the map too. I officially have nothing against this map anymore. You're designs are getting better and better, may the forge be with you...
V 1.1/1.2 Update 1. Adjusted GL respawn time from 88s / 1 spare clip to 58s / 0 spare clips 2. Reduced Custom Power Up respawn time from 120s to 90s 3. Reduced Camo respawn time from 150s to 90s 4. Removed Needle Rifle 5. Added one more DMR DOWNLOAD
I had a 1v1 on this map the other day and I have to say you did a very good job on the risk vs reward and it played very well indeed, great job.