
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by comport9, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. comport9

    comport9 Promethean

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    Third tries the charm as they say! Finally a map I can be proud of. Lessons learned the hard way, and from others, come together to build this tight and sweet looking map. I hadn't planned on making this. I was just trying to make the "ladder" I'd seen on some "tips & tricks" videos, but couldn't for the life of me ever get it to work. But I started putting some stuff together, and before I knew it I was building a pretty good looking map.


    It's a small space so the action should never let up. I tried adding CTF to it, but apparently you can't separate grabbing the flag from returning the flag... so it wouldn't make sense on this map. (Why can't teams flags be in different locations from their bases?)

    The look I was creating reminded me of the Tron movies, so I used that as the name and took it even further. Hope you like it!

    Additional images as requested:





    #1 comport9, Aug 25, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
  2. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    can you please provide more pictures or an overview?
  3. comport9

    comport9 Promethean

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    Sure, will do so in a bit.

    Could just download it and check it out though. ;)
  4. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
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    "Third TIME's the charm"

    Looks pretty good, but honestly, Tron will never be brought into the Halo universe. I say this mainly because I used to own the old Tron Arcade. To tell you the truth, the effects are a little too 'juicy' and the map looks like it is some arena and not even anything to do with Tron. Keep up the work and show people what you got.
  5. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
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    Wow man have an upload spree :p

    These three that you made (figured id post on this one rather than all 3) look like the ones i used to make before xbox live came to me. big open spaces but just fun to play when you have bottemless clip :p

    maybe i will give one a download so me and my bro can play just like old times :p
  6. comport9

    comport9 Promethean

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    I didn't set out to make a Tron map. The blue lines reminded me of it though, that's all. :)

    As I mentioned in my other thread, I made the maps with the intent on playing them with my GF's kids using infinite ammo and rockets. lol. But if anyone else enjoys them, all the better!
  7. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
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    Well, I wish you all the luck and have fun

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