Megalith By Noooooch Description: An asymmetrical map set in the Canyon featuring several 'bunkers' or 'blockhouses' and other minimal structures laid out in the terrain. Tags: Megalith, Noooooch Gametypes: Slayer, 1 Flag, 1 Bomb, KotH, Oddball, Territories and 3-Plots Ideal Player Count: 8-10 Power Weapons: Ghost x 1 / 120s Rocket Launcher x 1 / 120s Sniper Rifle x 1 / 120s Concussion Rifle x 1 / 120s
Last time I had a game on this the spawning was a little random but it was safe either way. Im not sure if you made some adjustments (which it looks like), but the style of the map is unique and seems very balanced. And teamwork was very important in Koth. This seems like one of those maps I could play over and over and not get tired of. This might go down in the next FHF.
+1D It looks like a nice map for Slayer and Objective. (If you haven't already submitted a map to the Halo Waypoint contest, do it.) Those "hills" at the beach look like ideal HKLs along with that odd looking structure. I'll give it a go.
The last few times I played 1 flag on here defense team was way overpowered, not a single cap between 3 games. I see the ghost is still on defense, and little else seems different. Is the flag is still up top by the ghost/ rocks? If it is I foresee the same gameplay issues as before coming up. The map is pretty cool and I really enjoyed it aside from the impossible to pull flag (with balanced teams) and so I don't understand why it looks as if no changes have been made since.
I've already officially submitted Megalith to the objective contest, thank you very much. What are HKL's? Not only are the screenshots outdated, but how can you tell which side is on offense or defense, or where the flag is from the screenshots? There have been minor changes to the rocks around the map. There have also been major changes to the spawning and orientation of one sided gametypes. The defensive team is now the beach side and the offensive team is the wall side. The flag is not by the Ghost/rocks anymore and the Ghost is also now neutral to both offensive and defensive teams. 1 Flag plays much better than the last time you've played here FlyingShoe. I know it was difficult to pull the flag before, but now that the orientation is drastically different, the gameplay is much more enjoyable and competitive. It's much easier to pull the flag, but offensive teams will need to slay their way to the capture point, most of the time.
Okay, good to hear. I didn't know the screenshots were outdated, which is why I didn't even know the orientation had switched from across the canyon to down the canyon. If you're still testing I'd like to see how it plays now.
It is good to see this released. Map plays some really great games of KOTH and it is definitely where the map shines. Both the sniper and ghost are extremely fun to use on the map, especially when you boost through the buildings with the ghost and get a satisfying splatter. I have to admit though when you changed the orientation of the map it took me two whole games to readjust D: Good luck in the objective contest!
This map looks real good, I didn't notice any problematic pieces on gameplay and the asthetics are epic. My only concern is the spaces are too narrow for smooth travel in the ghost next to the wall indent because of rocks versus not enough cover on the other nex to the spiral columns with Covenant containers on them; the spot against the cliff with the ocean to the left. I hear though that the spaces are outdated so this concern is only minor. Other than that good map, I was thinking if you don't mind that I used a bunker/blockhouse in a future map of mine because it got me inspired even though Halo 4 is coming soon. Good work and I hope to see more soon.
Nah I'm done testing this map. I've played 1 Flag so many times I really don't want to put my friends through it anymore, lol. I'm pretty confident in the gameplay of the supported gametypes anyway, so I won't be loading it for testing anymore. Feel free to give it a go yourself, I recommend KotH. I'll be offline for a while. It was really surprising how well KotH played on this map, I was really shooting for 1 Flag and that gametype gave me a hard time, whereas KotH played well from the start. I did make sure that the Ghost could drive through the buildings, so I'm glad you noticed. Thanks for the support. No. Yes, the Ghost is a little restricted in some areas of the map, like the area you described. The Ghost is a power weapon (in a 4v4 or 5v5) and does need to be nerfed in some way. It can also be used to distract an entire team. Like you said though, it is a minor detail and I'm not worried about the Ghost gameplay. I'd only mind if you straight up copy/pasted the structures I've created. It's awesome that I inspired you to create something though. Good luck with your future maps. Thanks for the comments everyone.
Funny story, this video wasn't supposed to go up for like a week (which is why the thumbnail is from a different video which was actually supposed to go up last night) but yeah... "Megalith" - YouTube
Whoa, another THFE? How often do maps get spotlighted? It's cool that you do this Duck, so thanks for taking the time to. I designed this for the CC Contest, so don't forget this map is also 4 player compatible! I didn't mention that in the OP...
I do feature a good amount of maps, the system isn't much like Forge Hub's feature system for example. A map doesn't have to be the best map in the world to get a video, it just has to do something special (Midtown was built on High Noon and this plays an awesome game of KOTH) and be something that subscribers are interested in, while being a solid map all around of course. You put this on in one of my lobbies, and I loved how KOTH played, and since I've gotten tons of requests to feature a KOTH map this seemed a natural choice when I was looking for a 4v4 map to feature.
It's funny though, THFE brings a lot more attention to a map than a FH Feature could ever dream of. Midtown's download count shot up by damn near 1k when it got featured.
I was one of those THFE downloads. The ghost was... entertaining (I like splatters) Congratulations on being featured.