Waylander's guide to posting your opinion on maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Waylander, May 22, 2008.

  1. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Ok, just got back from the pub with my riding mates and I see four different threads bitching about the low quality of opinion posting going on lately.
    So here we go in my drunken attempt to tell people how to do **** right.

    First off, the complaint about pics.
    If a map doesn't have pics we do not need half a dozen pages of you morons pointing this fact out. Site rules, as much as I understand it, are a person has 24 hours after they post to sort their **** out or else the thread gets locked. One post is enough, after that one post is done, if you see a thread without pics and you want to keep track of it, click the option in the top menu bar that looks like this, that says "Thread Tools" and select subscribe to thread.
    This puts the thread in your user CP so you can keep track of it when people post in it which usually happens when someone updates a thread with pics. I did it for my first map when I didn't put pics up on the first go. so more than likely the person that posted the map will to.

    Next is the comments about the lack of interlocking or the brilliant use of interlocking.
    Yep, all well and good about these but try to put more into it than just "YOU MUST INTERLOCK OR YOUR MAP SUCKS BLUE BALLS AND I WILL NOT DOWNLOAD IT!" It's a forging tool, nothing more. Yea it helps make a map look cleaner, yea it helps get rid of the bumps and stuff when moving around the map. But it is not 100% necessary all of the time. I've played some kick ass maps that were made before interlocking was discovered and even some current ones that don't have a whole lot of interlocking and they play better than maps that are completely interlocked. It is a tool to help nothing more.
    If that is all you have to say about the map then how about some areas that need interlocking and the reasons you think it needs it.

    My next point is a it of a personal pet peeve but it ties in with the rest of this.
    All you people that have this urge to be the first post and throw a freakin' party about it. Yea you got first post on a map! You have no life and sit in front of your computer all day waiting for someone to post a map just so you can be the first one to post about it. YIPPEE KAI-YAI YAY!!
    +1 to your E-*****, and yet you still can't get laid. Spend all that time waiting for a new map to get posted and you still have nothing constructive to say. Way to contribute to the community man! (sarcasm if you missed it, get to know me better you'll realize I'm full of sarcasm)

    A lot of the issues like this I think are because people aren't actually downloading the maps and are just posting to be posting. Come on, do more than that. Become involved, learn the tricks. Even if you aren't that good of a map builder you can still share your more of your opinion about a map than just "No pics, needs more interlocking, first post WOOHOO!"
    If you think a map plays badly, take the time to figure out exactly what about it makes it play bad. Just remember to take into account your preferred playing style and what the map was meant for. I'm good at CQC so small maps are for me so I don't put my opinion down for a lot of open maps.

    Try to add more meat to your posts, explain things, help the map builder understand where he/she went wrong or right and they will take what you said, learn from it and make better maps. If the comunity as a whole does this then maybe we can all join guys like Matty, Lightsout225 and the rest at the top of the forging food chain.

    If anyone was offended by my course language or general jerky-ness keep in mind I am a self proclaimed asshole and don't really care what you think of me as a person online.:D
    #1 Waylander, May 22, 2008
    Last edited: May 22, 2008
    squidhands likes this.
  2. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    wow, your drunk opinions could possibly be better than your sober ones.
    very helpful post, not to me of course, i'm all that and more XD one thing i would like to add, which ties in with the posting pics thing is, if you think a post is in the wrong section, state your reasons why, but do not leave a single sentence post saying "should be in ____" and same rules apply to this as pic posting, if someone has already done it, saying it again will make a no difference and is considered spam.
  3. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    needs pix btw
  4. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Go bang that man shouldered bimbo you monkey.
  5. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    tl: dr wtfbbqh4x?

    mallet is a prime example of a nub.
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Too far.

    Yea good post, consider alcohol your cure.
  7. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    lol yea fair enough. I sorta meant for this to be a serious thread anyway.

    Hope it helps ease the spamming a bit or at least keeps it from getting worse.
  8. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Best drunken post ever.

    Seriously, I'm with you in your recommendations to the textually challenged posters out there, but in all probability they won't bother reading this. Anything over 7 combined sentences causes their ADD brains to look for another shiny spoon to occupy the next several seconds of their time. But we can all dare to dream...
  9. Flippin Monkey

    Flippin Monkey Ancient
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    ar u sure ur drunk cause i think most of ur stuff looks splet right :D
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Really? Four threads? Didn't notice. I guess I'll have to go looking for them.
  11. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Lol very true and i love the E-***** thing.But also all this posting about whats wrong with the thread bumps it to the top and bumps good maps to the bottom.its really unfair and should be controlled
  12. duderdas

    duderdas Ancient
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    I agree with all that you said but did you you say you were out riding your mates at the pub?
  13. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I agree with pretty much everything you said, I know we got into a bit of an arguement earlier. But I have chnaged the way I post on maps now, I try to be more informative and if a map has no pics, I scroll down and if no one has posted then I tell them that it isnt up to standrads, if others have already said that then i wont repeat it.
    I agree with you that you are a bit of an Ass-Hole. But Ass-Holes can still be loveable.... wait, that didnt sound right.
  14. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I ride motorcycles Duderdas.

    You do post quite a bit of info now Linubidix, So yea you've gotten better. Hell I used to post bugger all as well and still do sometimes when most everything about the map has already been said.
    Can't be good all the time but looking through a lot of the map threads most of the posts just have one line and nothing more. That is just ridiculous.
    Only reason I jumped on you in the other thread was because you insisted that the map sucked because all it was, was a doorway. It's a switch map, that's all it needed to be. Consider it like reference material at a library. If you're having figuring out how to get something to work, just check the reference maps lol.

    And Flippin Monkey, I has spell-check.
    #14 Waylander, May 23, 2008
    Last edited: May 23, 2008
  15. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    if the map is really that amazing, it should survive long enough to get noticed by a staff member or loyal, but i understand what you are saying.
    also, some people consider spam to be when you do it all at once, which is the most common instance, but it is also just posting useless things over time, even though it is less noticeable, it is still very annoying.
  16. Carter C

    Carter C Guest

  17. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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  18. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    yesh, we owns.
    we have specific guidelines on reviewing maps so that we always give a good and fair review.
    anyway, that was going off-topic, but i have noticed that a lot of the recent spam being cleaned up, maybe it has something to do with the appointment of lights to mod...

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