Not as many downloads? The most downloads I've ever gotten on one map in my forging career was shortly over 100, and that was on an angled remake of Amplified. But anyways, Justin Bieber's songs are fantastic!
Indeed. As are my main man 2 Chainsszsz (that's for you Black Theorem) and half those DLs were Tyrant.
Quoted for truth. Well put man. Although I also forge for the enjoyment of others... It's a satisfying feeling knowing people actually enjoy to play a map you made on their own accord.
probably He trained his hard drive to eat too, so he has to download them 7 or 8 times before he can actually play on the map
Indeed. It's a good feeling knowing others enjoy your map. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Couple of classic Tyrant is fat jokes, but nothing too significant.
@xzamplez... He just doesn't have any muscle, brain cells, liver cells or lung cells. If I had none of those I wouldn't be fat in the sense you mean. I'd be really damn skinny.
I'm done map-making until H4 comes out. The community is dying and I'm tired of fighting with framerate issues, which with any luck will be fixed in 4. I'm still sketching ideas here and there, and I came up with a minigame idea the other day that is really tempting to go ahead and build now... but I probably will keep it in my back pocket until the new game arrives. I also have been playing a lot more matchmaking with the group of friends I've made over the past year-plus, and it's hard to resist the allure of instant gratification (going into MM and whomping on people) as opposed to the extremely-delayed-and-sometimes-non-existent gratification of forging. So who knows - H4 may find me forging far less anyway.
It won't, I promise you. If the framerate is as bad (or even nearly as bad) as it is in Reach, I won't be forging except for the occasional minigame.
I'm still forging quite a bit, but that might be because I only started in May. I thought I would just polish my maps in the Smackdown finalists and then call it quits until Halo 4, but I keep getting ideas and inspiration for new maps. I actually strayed from making small maps and am working on a BTB map at the moment. I'm really liking it so far but who knows if I'll finish it, considering it will be pretty difficult to get a big enough lobby going this late in Reach's lifespan.
You wish. You realize the main reason I stopped forging a couple months ago was framerate battles, right? After having to abandon two maps in a row after 6-8 hours forging, I got a little tired of it. And I'm equally tired of looking at gray-ass coliseum wall/2x4 block maps. Forge has so much potential that can't be realized because of the dumb performance limitations, and I'm beyond tired of fighting with them.
I find myself unable to be happy with anything I've made recently, making forge pretty much unenjoyable. It's starting to feel like a job than something I do for fun.. I have 1 idea that I want to try in Halo 4 and if it doesn't work out then I dunno if I can find the inspiration to do it anymore. I am done forging in Reach, I'm afraid.
That does mean do your best, right? It doesn't entirely make sense sometimes when you use it, so just clarifying.