Airblasting. It's so damn helpful if you know how to use it. Separating Medics from their targets, sending projectiles back, knocking players away from an objective, extinguishing teammates... It's not worth the damage bonus to pass it up. It's easier to use the Backburner, but it doesn't have the potential of the stock Flamethrower or Degreaser because its airblast is so expensive. To my knowledge, its for this reason that the Backburner and Flogistinator are called the noob Pyro weapons: They show that the player isn't good at, or chooses not to airblast and generally these Pyros are the "hold W and LMB to win" kind of Pyros. At least, that's what I hear a lot of people say. And I too would join a TF2 TGIF.
Also i know a server we could probably use. If this is going through i can make this happen let me know???
Backburner has air blasting now. It costs 50% more to use, but I'm willing to give that up. I am able to normally sneak behind the lines of the other team. I think Stefan might still have a server. If not we can easily find a server that has no players in it.
Plus the damage reduction it has, and only able to crit from behind. You have the same chance of getting behind the enemy than you do of getting a random crit, IMO. But yeah, Degreaser, Rainblower, and sometimes the Phlog just because that taunt instant heal can be good when trying to clutch things.
If we can get six people together we can all join a random 6v6 server and at least have a full team (if we can't find a private server, if you guys know of one that would be really helpful).... and six people would be just enough to get in a couple of games of Mann Vs. Machines by ourselves, so we shouldn't have to wait that long for a server. ... I really like MvM. Lol.
I know it has airblasting, but it's a very high cost and not sustainable within combat. 50, I think? Out of 200? That's a lot. And the sneaking thing is best suited to Spy. Pyros make good distractions or direct combat. I find that if you do get the drop on them, they're basically dead without the crits anyway. Ah well. That's my opinion on it, at least.
Of MvM? Probably too many. Also, Homer. Watching your video, and this is why the back burner sucks. @ 2:40 Team Fortress 2 with HomerSPC - 4 - w/ Friends! - YouTube
Did this get specifically answered? Some people said "I know a server", but are there any plans specifically, or would it be a Valve 0/24 rotation server or something? I think a Highlander would be a lot of fun. We'd need 18 people though...
I think right now we'll all just meet up on skype and find our way into a server with enough spaces open.... unless someone really does have a private server.
So I sadly couldn't get a server for us to use... but the show must go on. Not sure what RST has planned but Cheeze and myself will be hopping on TF2 at 7-8 EST. Once we find a good server we will post the info here. If you dont want to wait you can add me on Steam. STEAMid - Vicious Vice hope to play with you guys
Yeah well, I'll add everybody on steam/skype and PM shock about it when he asks for entries. It'll all work out.