MF just follow the cliche AD carry build, CS as much as possible, Buy boots 3 pots, berserker greaves (attack speed boots), BF sword built into infinity edge ,vamp scepter(life steal), zeal build into phantom dancers, build blood thirster out of vamp scepter, and last guardians angel. Change it anyway you see fit but thats the cookie cutter build. Ult on enemy's in team fights and stay back and AA thats all there really is to it. Main priority is to have more cs then enemy so your AA's do more damage then them. Also kogs passive is a "last stand" ability shouldn't really use it as a form of attack lol, But ap kog has huge range ult, Nid and jayce have a long range Q, Cait has the longest range AA's from start game but trist has the longest range AA's end game but Urgots Q has decent range, Xerath/Lux are long range AP champs. There the longest range champs i can think off top of my head. Better off going pure HP regen tank(Warmogs,Force of nature,Spirit visage core build), only his fire scales with AP with a 0.2 ratio, Getting some magic pen is fine though because they do magic damage.
I'm not a big fan of Spirit Visage on him actually. I just try to stack Warmogs+a FoN for epic health regen and basically makes me impossible to kill, plus that great speed boost. I usually run with sorcerer's shoes or boots of swiftness, and get Thornmail or Frozen Heart in there at some point depending on how the enemy team is playing.
spirit visage is pretty much core on Mundo, regardless of what you build. It synergizes with both his passive AND ult.
In terms of pure Hp regen, 5 warmogs+FON(because of mundos passive) could be more then 4mogs+FON+visage. I haven't done the theory crafting or math to test but it could be. But reason I like visage is the 10% CDR(cooldown reduction) works well with mundo the more CDR the more you can ult(why that's good is self explanatory) and CDR is a hard stat to get without sacrificing damage or survivability but this item doesn't sacrifice much because gives you health and health regen and MR
I'm really starting to like Teemo. He moves so fast with boots that you can use your blind dart on any champion and run away without getting hit. Alistar counters him though, as he can charge you down and kill you from range. Other than that he can annoy people so much that they will try to rush in to kill you making other characters easily gank them. Edit: It seems Rengar is way overpowered. Like, more overpowered than usual for a new champion. You can gank people with absolutely 0 percent chance they will get away.
I have not seen a single good Rengar, but I've only played a few games since he's come out. I've seen him in maybe three of them, and every time he's been underleveled, squishy, and not particularly powerful.
No he's VERY good in the right hands. Like unstoppable. You just haven't seen a good one because most people ban the new characters because nobody knows how to play them.
Rengar has not been banned in one game I've played either...O.O Lots of bans on Darius and Diana, though. From what I've seen, both are much better than Rengar.
Rengar has his level one gank shut down by cc. I mean, I killed him when I was playing support teemo. SUPPORT teemo, as in, no damage items or masteries at all (you support by blinding the enemy carry and preventing them from getting ANY cs, while your carry gets all they want.)
Yeah, I usually play support, and you can easily annoy people so much with blind dart + quick move that they will try to rush in and kill you (as teemo is kind of weak compared to others) leaving your team to easily gank them. Rengars stealth coupled with his ultimate to easily escape make him pretty good. His Q ability is very powerful, but near the end it feels kind of underpowered at that point.
I haven't played rengar or seen one but apparently rengar is UP and has the lowest win rate of any champion 30% or something last i saw, according to forums (I would take everything read on those forums with a grain of salt though) But for the mass population of forums to be saying his UP makes me believe his not Like Diana which i believe to be OP as crap atm because I can't beat her 1v1 with my mains half the time D: (maybe i just don't know how to counter her yet) But correct me if I'm wrong but isn't rengars only CC is Slow/Snare? And snare drastically limits your damage output or heal. Off top my head maokai does a snare/slow without sacrificing anything(not sure if rengars snare is skillshot but maokais isn't) and that's not even best cc in game. But i can't blame you for been excited about a new champ your good at I go crazy about jayce idk if his viable but i just enjoy playing him and he feels op when i play him because I'm good with him that's how i assume you are with rengar. As for teemo when i see one I play morde > W+E can damage you in stealth and gives me shield so i know where you are exactly slowly damaging you while you wait to die(or for my team to come) or you run and I Q+E+R+ignite you dead. Which i find enjoyable after all the annoying teemo's I've dealt with lol
I'm level 27. I was told to get runes. Me: Okay. *Clicks on rune page in shop* ... wut du fuq du i du. Halp me, 4chub. :C Played a really good game earlier though, everyone had 10+ kills in my pre-made team of 5. I played Teemo and ended up going 19-10-15. Also, I got Caitlyn and I REALLY like her. She's fun as hell, and the Annie in mind hated me so much. <3
Short answer don't. At least till your level 30 (only buy level 30 runes), If you want a AD carry(which cait is) cookie cutter(meaning works well in 80% of situations and fine for the other 20% of situations) runes then get: 9-Greater mark of desolation, Red ones with FLAT armor penetration. (1.66 ArmPen) 9-Greater seal of resilience, Yellow ones with FLAT armor (1.41 Armor) 9-Greater glyph of warding, Blue ones with FLAT magic resist (1.34 resist) 3-Greater quintessence of desolation, Big brownish ones can only get 3 of with FLAT armor penetration. Flat=Not scaling per level, Aka Flat=3.33 armor pen NOT 0.5 armor pen per level. That way you can buy those runes never worry about it again for AD carry but you can vary them and change them later because purchasing runes is permanent but adjusting your rune pages you can do unlimited amount of time if you want later.(which will become much clearer once you had done your first rune page) Also here is a few guides for cait if you want It can be daunting the first time but least its not as bad as path of exiles skill tree
I believe you get Tier III runes when you hit level 20, not 30 (correct me if I'm wrong here, it's been a while..). Tier I at level 1 till 10, Tier 2 from 10 to 20, Tier 30 from 20 onwards. I *think*. Also, do NOT get flat Magic Resist glyphs! Get mr/level (if you're mid flat is an option). The fact is that AP won't be particularly strong until later in the game, while AD almost always starts pretty strong, and MR/level overtakes the flat value at something like level 6 (well before AP becomes too much). You're far better off with those runes. Personally, the marks/seals/glyphs are almost always the same: -Flat Armor Penetration or Flat Magic Penetration Glyphs. Ocassionally I'll swap out Armor Pen for Flat AD damage -Flat Armor Seals. This is a MUST-HAVE, except for specialized cases. Almost all of my pages have these runes in the seals slots. Other good options are health/level or gold/second if you're playing support. -MR/Level Glyphs. Arguably the best glyphs. A lot of AP champs like to go flat AP damage, so if you play a character like Zilean, give that a shot with your glyphs. Flat MR is okay too, but IMO nowhere near as worthwhile. Another good option is CDR (either per level or flat). -Many different Quints. Quints are the easiest to swap around, because there's no epically good runes like the others. Some really good ones that I use: flat movement speed, flat armor, flat armor penetration, flat attack damage, flat health, flat AP.
Flat MR is better for solo top or mid picks. Lets you soak up the early game harrass from champions like karthus or ahri. As a general rule of thumb, just stick out of runes until you hit 30. Prior to 30 the differences is marginal and you don't even notice them most times. After 30 is when they play a bigger role since you start to optimize your advantage with runes and masteries.
Actually your right you can get them at level 20, I didn't realize because i was told by everyone what ascher said "As a general rule of thumb, just stick out of runes until you hit 30. Prior to 30 the differences is marginal and you don't even notice them most times." and back then runes where to confusing for me to know any better. So you could get them right now if you wanted, But flat MR helps your starting lane phase where you just wanna be csing and not have to worry about AP support harrass(or any ap damage from carry ex:MF) which at level one supports do pretty much just as much damage as anyone else, Just like flat AD only helps do good damage during early game to cs and trade better but Armpen outshines AD once you get 100~ AD damage. Personally I use MR per level if i use MR for my carry but the point was to give him a easy set of runes so he could use them with any champion in any role (but specifically adc) and be useful all game to not overwhelm him till he has customized his own rune page a few times to get a grip. But everything you said is pretty much true if he understands it and runes are really situational and depend on champion and lane and who your laning against if your playing draft/ranked if you want to optimize them completely once you get into them more. Here are my runes there far from perfect because of IP budget and specified for the champions I play and how i like to play
For the longest time my jack of all trades page was: Flat magic pen reds Flat mana regen yellows Ap/level blues Movespeed Quints Obviously I played mid and ap champions alot back then, and have since then moved on to more support, carry and the other picks.
personally, the ONLY time I'll consider flat MR is when I'm playing mid against a good early game AP champ, and that's pretty damn rare. Even then, I'd kinda rather play carefully until the MR/level gets equal (like level 6, it's not very long until it's overtaken) I used to run mana regen seals as well, but I feel like it's not worth it anymore. I've gotten better at playing and there are better uses of the seal slots almost always (IMO) for the chars I play. Try to use your abilities carefully, and if you spam abilities, maybe you should get an Archangel's Staff.