Greetings, fellow forgers. First, let me say, I love your brains. Looking through some of the map previews - you're all gods. I've been casually forging for awhile now, but hoping to "take it to the next level." Ha. Ha ha. (no?) Well, anyway, psyched to be here. Introduce yoselves so I know what's going on. Thanks!
I don't know why, but I like you. I don't usually have such feelings for new members, so I guess you better not disappoint me now Anyway, hay, I'm Dax. I'm 13 and I almost have a girlfriend. And by that I mean I've been around Forgehub for way too long (disregard my membership date). I should hopefully be able to answer any questions you may have about the site. I'd be glad to help if you need it! Anyone who mentions chloroform from this point forward must send Noxiw 10 kitty pictures. If you fail to complete this task then I will send you 10 naked pictures of my... wait, wrong site.
@Dax partners at trolling Sky? I did it on the last Introduction topic Hi there. I'm Cycle.. you'll see me randomly messing with people and derailing topics. Good luck with your first map
Welcome to ForgeHub Morti! I am able to answer any questions you may have about the site. I'd be glad to help if you need it! Oh and make sure to check out our 1v1 Smackdown Contest if you want to.
To clarify, we're all 13 and we all almost have a girlfriend. You can call me Noxy. Welcome to FH and stuff.
I'll do my best not to (disappoint that is). I'm hoping to slowly make my way into more serious forgery as "free" time permits between school in work. Like I said, I've dabbled up to now. It's really just incredible to see what some people have created.