Okay, so many of you know I'm in a band and all that. I'm sure it's not the first choice in genre for many of you, but I'm asking for kindness regardless of personal taste. It took us five years to record our first album due to funding. I'll get right to the point. We're ready to record our second album with 10 new tracks, and the funding is once again taking forever. I'm actually still 2,000 in debt from taking a loan out for the first one. We tried this on Kickstarter and it failed to meet the goal, which is obviously too high, but we didn't get to keep any of the money we raised as a result. This site allows us to keep any and all donations, regardless of our goal. Any contributions you would like to make makes a huge difference to us. A dollar or more. Anything helps. Thanks guys! DONATE HERE The Silence Broken - "When I'm Gone" - YouTube The Silence Broken - "Poor Carmine" - YouTube
about 6 seconds into the first song I opened my iTunes up and searched your band. Unfortunately, I'm merely 15 and do not have enough money to make any considerable donations but keep it up, your music is amazing!
Like the music enough to bump the thread and offer some questionable suggestions but not enough to donate, Why don't you just start a paypal or something so the donations go directly to you and have a link on your website/youtube for fans to donate whenever they wish? Imo having a steady donation link for anyone to donate at any time whenever they feel like it gets more money then having a time period where you try to persuade people into donating. Also hope doesn't get thread locked because its blatant advertising for money because if you do get enough money would be good to hear the songs.
I would love to help you, TSB. I'm in a band myself, and I know how hard things like this can be. However, I am dirt poor.