Concord By: PAINTS 420 Player Count: 2-6 Players Gametypes: Team Slayer, FFA, Headhunter and Crazy King Power Weapons On Map: Sniper Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Shotgun and Camo Powerup Pictures: Add me as a friend if you wanna test it. I don't really schedule times when I test a map. Enjoy. Download The BETA Version.
It looks great, I like the hints of red at some of the door frames. I'll hopefully be on at Sunday night to help you test this.
Sniper looks like a bit of a death trap. Oh you shouldn't really use cove crates and normal crates. It messes up the theme. I'd be down for testing,looks pretty nice overall.
There's a drop-down from the second floor directly above sniper spawn. It's supposed to be in a dangerous place though. You do however get long lines of sight on your way out of that tunnel. So it's not really a bad spot to be once you grab the sniper. Plus, players dropping down into there are at a disadvantage when there's someone already down there. And yeah, you're probably right about those crates.
I agree with Yellow about mixing crates. Imo it messes up the theme. Either way it's just a preference. This map looks pretty cool, I'm liking the angles. Would like to get a game on this smetime.
Mixes crates is ass nasty... don't do it. And dude, seriously, get a link up. I had a lobby and wanted to test it tonight, but there's no link. :/
Drop spawn the power weapons man, I don't think they were when we played the other day. Also, the orginal camo spawn was better in my opinion. I don't think a power weapon at bottom mid is necessary because you are forced to traverse that area if your grabbing the sniper anyway. Not to mention, the teleporter is also a decent reward for heading down there. We only played for a couple of minutes, but this map was fun. I don't think you even need to shrink the atrium honestly, although I'm not a fan of the pillars and rocks as cover to block LoS down there. Good **** man, invite me to play again some time.
Ah.. here it is Schnitzel was cursing you out in customs with me because you hadn't posted a map preview/DL for Concord yet. I had no idea what he was talking about Well, here it is Looks like he's already found it. I am on Yellow's side about mixing crates. I don't personally like it. I'd like to test it with you - invite me on XBL sometime if you're on.
the map looks solid, the only problem is it looks too much like everyone else's mid-sized maps, i can't really see aspects that are super original or themed about the map in a different way, i see you used the 1x3's or 1x5's around borders of different room entrances which is ok, but nothing super revolutionary, idk, it just feels like another map, im commenting on the aesthetics of the map not the gameplay, i haven't played it yet so i can't say. But yeah, it looks solid, just not really original or specifically themed
Which crates look bad? The UNSC ones? Or covie ones. EDIT: I changed all the crates to covie style. Also, the download link for the testing version is now available.
Checked this out in forge. It definitely is very promising but could a few tweaks, imo. First thing I didn't like was the usage of the bridge mediums, because you soft killed them. If you want the bridge mediums to be out of bounds, then why don't you just use a different piece? When I intially spawned, I took a couple steps to the right and accidentally teleported. You should probably remove that initial spawn because that's very disorientating. Camo pickups usually aren't the center of attention for good reason. You'll easily see a player pick it up, nearly rendering it useless. Normally they are in a corner or down low somewhere out of the way so players can utilize it effectively. It's also pretty close to the GL imo. Too many health packs and grenades for a 1v1. 1 or 2 health packs should be fine.