CRASHED By Beybok Crashed is a map that I've been working on for a while now. I got the idea from the tv show lost. In this map, there are a few hidden power weapons for the humans to use against the zombies, including the warthog. This map is closed to complete, but any feedback is welcome. Anyway, here are some pics: The zombie spawn The Human camp The warthog spawn Just a cool thing about the map, is that you can make huge jumps by driving up the side of the tents Please leave any feedback you have, and the finished map post should be up soon.
Okay, I'm not much for infaction and casual gametypes... But this is pretty fracking cool. So zombies have teleporters that I assume lead them to various points surrounding the camp. Aside from powerups, what all do the humans have as far as play space and defensible territory?
Well a plane crash has been done before, but I really like how the camp ground looks and where the map is located on forge world. What is the play space, around the island or part of the island and the beach? You should have put a overhead view of the map, only showing where you are allowed to go. Anyway, this map looks great and I like how it isn't too empty as some other maps like these.
I like the idea, but I'm not feelin the plane. It could, honestly, be done a tad better. I'd like to check this out sometime. I could definitely see it being fun.
Powerups? Thanks for the feedback guys! And you can move around the tent space, and a little ways around the plane. There is also a small, semi broken dock, that isn't in the pictures. I'll add it if you want. And Eightball, do you have any suggestions on making the plane look better? And if not, what do you think looks bad or out of place with it that needs fixing? Thanks! What do you mean by powerups?
I just think the plane needs more detail to make it feel more realistic. I'm not good at forging stuff like that, but I know a certain someone who might be willing to help you out with that. *Cough cough, Zatherla*
Yeah I agree with eightball. I feel like the rocks are too dominant; they'd be better further into the ground so it still looks crashed into the ground, but not such a large part of it. The rest of the map looks very cool.
Hmmm, is it meant be that the plane crashed then the humans set up camp? (I'd say it is) Anyway maybe you could have the different tents spawn like 15 secs into the game, then have all of them slowly spawn! It'll be like yo building them!
Make some more rubble where the nose of the plane landed. I don't mean rocks, I mean rubble. Decorative pieces and inclines work good for that, if you have either of those left.
Ok guys, I'm taking all of your feedback into account and will work on it next time I'm in forge. and Yellow Sausage, I don't think I'll do that, because then the zombies would have no cover.
Oh WOW I just made a map called Crashed thats just like this... But mine looked terrible and this looks way better, so good job!
and another plane crash map i shouldve waited to post my map now isntead of ages ago oh well looks good, plane looks just the right size and the zombie spawn looks to be in a good place
Thanks Thanks! I should post a final map thread soon, maybe a map pack, but I'm not sure if the other ones will be done by then.
This looks fun, really I like where the warthog spawns, in one of the crates the plane dropped. And those tents look simple, but pretty nice for the map, i like the main one in the middle. Awesome, cant wait to see it up, and running.
Thanks Thanks man! It means a lot! And yes, the warthog spawn is pretty cool, but is a huge risk to get there, because their are 2 zombie teleporters near the crate.