
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DMM White, May 22, 2008.

  1. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by Dmm White

    Supported Gametypes:
    All except Neutral Bomb

    Recommended Gametypes: (defaults)
    CTF – Multi Flag
    Assault – Multi Bomb, One Bomb (anything which uses a Neutral Bomb)
    Slayer – Default FFA, Team Slayer (small teams)
    KotH – Any
    Territories – Land Grab, Territories

    Séance is loosely based on Halo’s Boarding Action. Aesthetically and fictionally, the main difference is Séance is not a battle between two human ships. Séance takes place on a large Spirit (if I had more objects I would have made the ‘cockpit’ section). Instead of two ships, you fight along the two prongs of the Spirit. Boarding Action on a Spirit -> Spirit Action -> Séance.

    Now, I said Séance is loosely based on Boarding Action, you’ll probably notice it’s a bit smaller and there are only 3 floors not 5. That’s also because there aren’t that many immovable objects on Standoff.

    There are several teleporters on this map (10 two-way) but only 1 link between the sides using them. The other 8 teleporters are to quickly get up and down (nearly the only way to get up and down) the platforms.

    The only other way (other tan jumping from the top platform) to get to the other side is to use the man cannons. This is one of my favorite bits, I spent ages working out the best way to use man cannons. Most of the time ended up firing players off the map or just not far enough.
    Each side has a man cannon facing the other side. In the air are 3 man cannons, these act as a ‘ceiling’, you bounce off them, but not as a floor for the upper platforms (you get chucked to your death if you try to cross using the upper side of these man cannons). The final man cannons are at the back of each side, these are to stop you slipping of the edge.
    This has worked nearly every time for me, I found if you go in to the man cannon straight then you’ll make it, go in at an angle and you may fly off.

    The weapons! I played a few games on Boarding Action and I noticed a few things.
    A shotgun, AR and plasma rifle around the flag, 2 needlers on the top level and a sniper rifle? I would have thought they’d put more weapons on such a large map!

    Well, seeing as Standoff doesn’t have a plasma rifle (does it?) and we’ve been given new weapons since Halo CE, I decided to change some of them a bit.

    Bottom Floor - 2 Plasma Grenades
    Middle Floor – AR, shotgun, SMG, 1 frag, 1 spike grenade, needler, BR
    Top Floor – Sniper Rifle, magnum and 2 frag grenades
    That’s on both sides.

    Last thing: getting out of the map… well, in to the original map.
    Yes, you can, you can make it before you die (if you’re not aware, the map is built over the ground which has a delayed death barrier. You can be on the ground for about 5 seconds, and then you die).
    The good news is you can only get out (in) by jumping from the top level (on one side only) and the running towards the original map. More good news, once you’re out, you’re out. Unless you die (hinting at the fusion coils).


    BRIEF Those shield doors can be really useful for bouncing grenades

    From the front

    The man cannon link. Be warned, it is possible to land on the other man cannon and doubled back on yourself!

    Left to right (using map above) - 4 2 2

    Teleporters: Clockwise from top – 4 3 3 4

    Floor 1

    Floor 2 (of Blue Base)

    Top floor (of red base)

    Going up


    Oh! One more thing! The power up as the flag base, that wasn’t my idea. I saw it on another map, I can’t remember which one. When I find the map I’ll thank the author here.

    Download Séance

    Video to come (possibly).
  2. FrenchToastForge


    Likes Received:
    Is this made on the outside of the death barrier? If so it looks like a great map. Not many people have used the "Solaris" idea. Good job, and youve got my DL.
  3. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very Well Planned! Looks like just enough cover and it will take some skill to play across the way too...great job!...keep on forgin!
  4. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, is this out side the map? Because it appears to just be floating over the land.

    Also, what is the "Solaris" idea?
  5. Mount Killamonjaro

    Senior Member

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    Reminds me of a halo 1 map(forgot name). Its the one where your on a ship fighting across, and teles to go to each side. And if you fell in the middle you fall to your death.
  6. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Boarding Action

    This map is outside the invisible wall, not outside the death barrier, which made it tricky to build because I'd fly to far away from the map and explode!
  7. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks very well constructed, I salute thee and ye have my download.
  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Doesn't look too bad, n you used Stand Off, rarely seen these days, good job on that layout aswell, and ya, i definately get a feel of boarding action looking at this
  9. Fly

    Fly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The screenshots seem to close up for me. An overview pic would be nice.

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