Banshees and Falcons and Jetpacks, oh my! Empyrean is a map for people who love to fly... and those who like to shoot those guys down. Most of the game will take place in the sky, so strap on those jetpacks! There are 2 banshees, 2 falcons, and 1 Rocket hog aboard each vessel. You can use the hog as a defense turret... or drive it off the ramp and go on the offensive. Dont worry about getting back up, there are Aircraft scattered about the map and grav lifts under each ship The neutral base is a UFO that will beam you up! The UFO is also home to the splaser Snipers, Fuel rod guns, and plasma pistols spawn onboard Rockets and grenade launchers are found near the grounded falcons and banshees There is still room for tweaking so send me some feedback please, thanks
Not sure what to say to the map, the design in my opinion is much more casual gameplay than competitive. Very interesting map concept though, my only complaint since I'm not sure what to say about it is that you could add some railing on the warthog pathway from the ships across the diving board so no one may drive off the side because of horrible driving.
I always wanted to build a map like this , but never had the time , Anyway it Looks pretty Amazing and fun to play . Be sure to invite me for playing a game on it !
It looked simple at first, but it turns out it was anything but. I found it really satisfying to fly in a banshee, blowing up all my friends (thats because all my friends suck at halo and think COD is the king of shooters.) And then, I hopped in the UFO and Splasered all of them. But people who first played this would be very confused, as you are in ship and you can see this weird floating thing (the UFO).