Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    The thing is we haven't seen any gameplay videos after the specializations update, so we can't tell how much of a game changer this will be.
  2. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    youre dissecting my post all wrong, im afraid to inform you. your counter-arguments are actually rather pointless, since nowhere in my post was i even making an arguement, except when i said the specializations dont seem very game changing, which i agree was out of place. i said in my post that discussion is good, i enjoy reading the discussion here every day. but the occasional posts that seem to happen once every day or so that just say "this new stuff sucks, i want old halo" are pointless if you ask me. that does not sound like discussion to my earballs.
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    And how does saying "it'll be fine" have any more point?

    Also, you say my counter arguments are pointless, what? You made one actual argument with respect to assessing the game, and I made one counter argument which even you concede dealt with your point. What part of that is pointless? As for the other main point of my posts, dealing with your response to critical discussion, I've dealt with that above.
  4. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i was just saying that i was not trying to defend or criticize the game at all in my original post, but i was criticizing the posts in this thread that just express their desire for the old halo while contributing zero discussion to the topic of halo 4 except "its gonna suck." yes, i realize there is a bit of hypocrisy in that, but it was just one post instead of one or more every single day, and i was getting tired of it. in your first reply, you seemed to think i was defending the game and just criticizing people purely because they have a different opinion. that wasnt what i was trying to convey, sorry if that was confusing, im not the best at putting my thoughts into words.
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Fair enough, I can agree with that, apologies for putting words in your mouth.

    Whilst I still don't agree with this principle (if you describe a mechanic to me then I'll be able to understand its basic function. True, a video may demonstrate nuances which expand my understanding, but no video is going to turn my hate for player waypoints in to a love for them), you might be interested to know that apparently there's an IGN video to accompany this article going up at 9PM EST. I'll try to find the link.

    EDIT: Here it is. It's a tweet, and it's actually at 8PM Pacific Time. Guess I'll catch it tomorrow.
    #5065 Pegasi, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2012
  6. Sashexander

    Sashexander Promethean
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    New stuff aside( which i personally have no problem with) i think just the fundamental smoothness of the movement from what ive seen in this game looks far superior to reach, were it felt clunky and unrealistic. I think that alone will make for far superior classic playlists, not to mention high jump heights that feel natural. Halo 4 might not have every playlist available for classic, but the ones it does have i think will feel a great deal more legitimate than previous attempts...im lookin at you anniversary big team...for shame :(
  7. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I really wish they went with a public beta.

    That would probably ease all our nervousness with the game.
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Jump looks good. Movement acceleration looks much less than Reach, so also good imo. So yeah, I agree, there's a lot of potential there for a really great classic experience. It depends on them doing it right (stripping out as much as possible of the new mechanics, allowing for no armor mod options and so on), and enough people playing it to keep the playlist healthy. But there's a lot of hope there.
  9. Sashexander

    Sashexander Promethean
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    You got one down for me ;)
  10. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    This is the hope that I've been clinging to. Although I still don't think its worth it to get the entire game just for the classic playlists, these neat base mechanic improvements almost look too good to pass up, even with the fluff.

    I think a beta or demo would have been real nice to try. I also think it helps fix up a lot of the crap that's inevitably going to happen upon launch. It's nice for everyone involved.

    Instead, all we get are videos and articles before we drop our 60 or so bucks into this. Not as sound as I would like, considering how much of a change this looks like.
  11. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    The Halo Bulletin: 8.15.12

    EDIT: Bulletin alleviated some of the confusion I had for sure. However, I wasn't too fond of some of the weapon skins, but I can live with them.
    #5071 cluckinho, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2012
  12. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Released Specialization Weapon Skins:


    All Specialization Armors side by side:


    Lots more information on the LE edition of the game:

    17 New Campaign Pictures:

    #5072 RightSideTheory, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2012
  13. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Two new weapons, Suppressor and Boltshot. Interesting.
  14. Zero Point

    Zero Point Forerunner
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    Nemesis Armor Mod for Stalker Specialization: The Nemesis armor mod allows users to target and track down previous attacking enemies, highlighting them on the armor’s passive sensors.

    Suppressor looks like the Promethean repeater that was alluded to before and Blotshot is the pistol. Can't say much about most of the skins, but Suppressor, PP and Human pistol skins look not too shabby. Don't care much for the visor colors though and I do pray I can change the color of the skins for the weapons, the colors on the Carbine just looks awful.
  15. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
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    hmmmmm....the specilations don't seem terrible, the stalker Specilation reminds me a bit of the default armor in HR, but it looks ugly. Rogue is undoubtedly looking like my favorite right now, just because it looks good and I hate getting knocked out of scope when I'm trying to quickscope someone. all the others look ok, the armor looks good on a few but the specilations aren't game breaking for me. I'm still getting this game.
  16. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    So i just thought of something about the pioneer specialization, and i was wondering if someone could explain something to me. it says there are 50 levels, and you have to get to level 50 before you unlock the specializations. and you have to get to the end of each specialization to use the perk, but you have to still have that specialization equipped to have the corresponding perk in effect.

    so what is the point of gaining extra experience with the pioneer perk? it seems to me that once you have access to it, you wont need to gain anymore experience. is experience like credits in reach, that allows you to unlock more armor and such? im a bit confused

    also, i looove that rogue covie carbine skin
    #5076 Wood Wonk, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2012
  17. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    the skins they showed off at the beginning were pretty cool, but now they are leaning towards ridiculous (e.g. the operator skin)
  18. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Specializations still really, really bug me, but I have no problems with the skins and armor. Personally, Operator is the only decent looking helmet to me, and the armor looks fine on them. The armor looks like it has more character than the helmets...generic blobs of sci-fi fluff IMO. Once again though, I like how each armor has a slightly different but cohesive feel to it.

    The skins look kinda neat, but the colors look off...

    Aesthetically, that was kinda cool. From a gameplay perspective, this still strikes me as Halo nightmare.

    Also, I saw 'gold visor' listed on each of the specs. Does that mean each helmet has a different set of colors that have to be unlocked? Or just these specific colors?

    Speaking of the gold, that doesn't look like gold to me...I really liked Reach's gold helmets. Very shiny and the gold reflections with high contrast really stood out and gave the armor a good focal point. This gold looks more to me like orange plastic, but I hope that's more because of a lack of things to reflect on the visor.

    GRIFFIN XVI Promethean

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    The Magic Behind Halo 4 - Halo 4 (Xbox 360) - IGN Video

    Several things I noticed in this trailer:

    1) Blue-tinted Promethean Knights, probably just with a different gun/defense
    2) Facial animations and rendering (not sure if proper use of the word ) that don't suck.
    3) Master Chief is (almost) shown entering that mech thing they flashed us in Game Informer.
    4) I really didn't want to see that Elite get thrown off the edge.
  20. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Anyone else notice that the fore-arms are the only section of armor that do not seem to change much in each permutation?

    Different knee pads, chest(even the top part of that god awful thing that is supposed to be the thruster/jetpack) and the damn shin guards even.

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