Drag Race Created by jd070993 Supported Gametypes: Drag VIP Map Description This map is a Drag Race map, as said by the title. Basically, it's just a simple downhill race towards the finish. As in traditional Drag Races, the track goes in one straight line. It is capable for 4 players, but you'll have to take turns. The 2 competitors spawn at the top with Mongooses avaliable. Pull up to where the Bridge starts, and when the Fusion Coils explode, the race begins. Man-cannons are placed down the track for extra speed. If you hit the bottom first, you win the round. Use the VIP variant included so that the destination appears on your HUD. With the "Drag VIP" variant, you get 3 rounds. However, you can customise it if you wish. However, nothing else should be customised. _________________________________________________ This is the overview of the map. As you can see, there is an extra ramp to the side. This is for anyone spawning at the bottom, as they can get up with ease. _________________________________________________ I hope you like the map (& gametype), and I will be uploading more in the future! Download Map Download Gametype
first post its to simple and i know your new but making good quality maps takes this long 5 minutes on think of what your gonna make 1 hour making 20 minutes testing 30 minutes fixing
No this is how long quality maps should take. 1 Hour Brainstorming 4-5 Days Making 30 Minutes testing 1 Hour Fixing EPIC MAPS ARE MADE BY THE ONES WITH THE MOST EFFORT
This is my first map on here. You shouldn't really expect it to be epic. Don't worry, there will be better ones to come.
no this is how 3 months thinking 2 months making 1/2 month testing 1/2 month fixing a company called bungie lol
I disagree. I think that a good map just need to be fun. It does not necessarily need to take a long time to make. I like it but i would love to see some action shops of a race.
I'll try to get some action shots if I can get some friends to play on it. It will most probably come tomorrow.
With more development, you could modify this type of game to play "chicken" Both cars start at opposite ends of a track and race toward the middle at top speed. The first one who veers off to prevent collsion loses. Of course, you'd need to modify damage resistance to something horribly low so that collsions actually killed you. Deaths would subtract points and reaching the goal in the center would award points.
This map is getting more comments on the guy that said it takes two hours to make a map, then it actuelly is from the map itself it is simple, but i'm sure you could make this a beta version, and just make a new one for the site, add some cool stuff, and try the bridge starting method
I don't exactly see the point in a halo drag race, it only looks less then the length of foundry anyway. Being serious maps should take 4-5hours if they are to be classed as good
OK, so reactions are mixed. I expected this, so I will try to make a decent map. I'll probably post it next week. I'll try not to dissapoint.