Okay, recently my Halo 3 stopped working. I've tried many things to fix it, but nothing seems to work! There is nothing visibly wrong with the disc( very few scratches.) so what's wrong? Every time I load up the game and enter a lobby, the game says: "player failed to load content." Any ideas/ suggestions with how to fix this? (Also, it's not my Xbox, I can play every other game I have perfectly.)
Go through all the maps and check if you can play them, if not, clear your XBOX's cache, google how to do that. It should fix the problem, if not you'll have to buy a new disc.
if you find out it is the disk, then you could be tricky and rent one from blockbuster make sure you get the disk insurance then just trade em out.
just redownload the content your missing? my GoW's content got all screwed up a while back and that solved the problem
try going to forge and wait for like 2 minutes. sometimes you have to let the 360s hard drive read the maps files before you play. it should say something like "loading files from hard drive". i sometimes have to do this.
@ JoeDoerr - No it's not the disc, I said that in my post. @ toonshorty - only Halo 3, I kinda said that too. @ MonkeyMan - Not the disc. I'll try the hard drive thing. @ corduroy chuck - I'm not missing content! Silly! @ darkmuse19 - It says: "Player Failed to load content" for everything, campaign, forge, custom games... Also, 17 is better than 19. @ TurboGerbil - The HDD Cache thingy didn't work!