I am just about done with this one. I still want to do some more testing to make sure the infection game type is perfect. If anyone wants to help me test it out let me know. It is a ton of fun. The house took me forever, but I finally got every room to work just the way I want it to. The rafters and the giant chandelier can make for some truly Hollywood quality, last-second zombie escapes. It's crazy. I already figured Infection wasn't the most original game type, but when I got about 2/3 of the way into construction I decided to look through some of the other infection maps out there and I realized that just about everything in my gametype has already been done... So I am certainly not trying to steal credit from anyone for any of that. (it's a Zomplex this time, not a lighthouse.) I think that the inner workings of the house itself will easily make this map different enough to be worth the time anyway. It is anything but aesthetic.
I can really see some bad camping spots here. i.e the 2nd last picture, the corner 4x4s. Can't really tell much else. I'd have to get a proper game on it to see...
Yea, but those will have zombies coming down from the roof on them too, so its not just from inside around the corner. The color daylight pictures are kinda old. I wanted something to show what it looked like without the roof. There are definitely a few spots that are a little campy. It seems like a more realistic building that way. To counteract the camping I put down a lot of low powered weapons, but gave them all one or no spare clips. So while it will be easy to find weapons, the players will be forced to move more often. Let me know if you do want to try it. I might be on testing tonight.