The Sarlacc

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Ufochaser42, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    This is my first map post here. If i make any mistakes, let me know and i will fix it ASAP.

    Map Title: THE SARLACC
    In its belly you will find a new definition of pain and suffering...

    Download Map

    Description: After finishing my highly-rated Warlock remake, i designed this new original map. It is set up to work with EVERY game type. The main structure you battle in, on, and around is a multi-tiered symmetrical pit. You enter the pit from below, where it is very cramped, and can make your way up two more levels. Each level expands outward from the level below it creating a wider fighting area and ability to shoot those coming up from below. Think of it as an inverted hill. If you fall into the very center of the pit from either of the two upper levels, you will die (hence the map name for you Star Wars fans). Since there is no way to have tentacles s pull you to your doom, i placed a teleporter that sends you to the death area outside the map. If you want the Sword or Active Camo you will have to risk it, just like Skywalker jumped off the skiff over the Sarlacc to grab his light saber in midair, then started kicking @$$! All this makes for great Slayer, Oddball, and King of the Hill gameplay. "What about CTF, Assault, Territories, and Infection", you say? Read on...

    Outside the pit at ground level are two bunkers in opposite corners. The other two corners in the room contain a sniper and rocket respectively, and have views to both bunkers. That way both teams can make a mad dash to them to fight for control of the bunkers. Or, take them up to the top of the pit and dominate from there.

    Screenshots included below (Click to enlarge):

    [img width=640 height=360][/img]

    [img width=640 height=360][/img]

    [img width=640 height=360][/img]

    [img width=640 height=360][/img]

    Here are some comments i have already received about Sarlacc:

    "...but what caught my attention was Sarlacc, I had lots of fun playing on that."

    "Sarlacc looks like a great map from a quick run through. It's definitely a good idea with a base in the middle and an open outside, and it feels like an opposite foundation, which is definitely a good thing. "

    "This map was a joy to play on; it deserves more downloads."

    Please download and make your own conclusions.

    Thanks for checking this out. Please rate and comment in the thread if you like it!

    EDIT: Yummy spelling and grammar corrections to make this awesome post more beautiful. -Lance

  2. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: The Sarlacc - Screens and full description inside.

    First, nice forum post. The text formatting looks nice and the pictures are good. I'm glad to hear you turned your talents toward original maps and not remakes.

    Second, I'm not happy unless I find something that I can criticize, constructively of course. I would recommend putting testimonials and quotes from other players at the end of the description. First tell me about the map. Besides, I'll make my own opinion, I won't rely on what you claim some other person said. I'm not trying to be mean, sorry if it sounds that way.

    How do they die? Are there fusion coils constantly exploding down there? Are they teleported into a death room or something?
  3. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: The Sarlacc - Screens and full description inside.

    I second Furious. This is a GREAT first post and map, bro. Very well-done. The map actually looks like a lot of fun. I definitely look forward to seeing your stuff around here! Welcome to your new home! =D
  4. SoaringEagle05

    SoaringEagle05 Ancient
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    Re: The Sarlacc - Screens and full description inside.

    sup ufo, i see you quoted me in your post
  5. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Re: The Sarlacc - Screens and full description inside.

    Lance- "Yummy spelling and grammar corrections"? LOL, reminds of something the King of the Cosmos would say in Katamari Damacy. I made some edits to fix some grammar and spelling issues. I know that there is probably more to fix. I always hated English class. Thanks for the compliments! Please let me know what you think after playing it.

    Furious D- Thanks for the reply! I always appreciate constructive feedback. I added details on how you die in the pit to the main post. I also moved the comments to the bottom.

    SoaringEagle- I hope you are ok about adding your comment to this post. I didn't quote you directly because i didn't want to use your name without consent. Hell, i didn't even know you were on Forgehub! The other comments were from Forgehub members as well. Hopefully they are ok with me using their comments.
  6. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: The Sarlacc - Screens and full description inside.

    I meant to say that I already fixed a lot of them, sorry, you don't have to fix anything. Just a few things my OCD grammar couldn't take. =P

    I'll be sure to get back to you once I've tested it. I love Star Wars!
  7. YodaUnleashed

    YodaUnleashed Ancient
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    Re: The Sarlacc - Screens and full description inside.

    Being a Star Wars fan I will definetly download but not just because of that, it does look like a good diverse map that can be adapted to play various (if not all) gametypes which a really good map should be able to do, so long as it does it well. I'll check it out but I'm afraid I'm going to have to be very picky because I've run out of space for maps and gametypes.
  8. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Re: The Sarlacc - Screens and full description inside.

    Yoda- Thanks! I never would have thought you to be a Star Wars fan ;) Don't take the name to literally, though. I didn't base it off that particular Return of the Jedi sequence. I suppose i could take it and remake it into more of a conceptual map with opposing "skiff" bases. Then have the pit included solely as a trap to die in if one is not careful enough. But that would limit the different types of game that would work well with it. I did try to design it so all game types would work fantastically, without having to download new game variants. I realise a lot of users on this site already have there customs full, so every little bit of savings helps. Hopefully it plays as well i as i had intended. I am eagerly waiting feedback from all who have tried it.
  9. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Re: The Sarlacc - Screens and full description inside.

    Hmmm interesting idea. I bet you could make a fun movie accurate map where if you fall in you are either trapped or die. :surprise:

    It appears to be a good concept, but I am curious as to how it plays.
  10. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Re: The Sarlacc - Screens and full description inside.

    me no see sarlacc...i see a crunched down foundation...must see closer...
  11. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Re: The Sarlacc - Screens and full description inside.

    TrueDarkFusion- If you think i should make a movie-accurate "concept" map such as that , i'm happy to give it a go. But it wasn't my intention for this map. I just wanted to draw a parallel with "falling into the middle=death" in the name. Maybe i shouldn't have name it Sarlacc after all. It seems to be causing some confusion. If you are curious to see how it plays, then please download it and let me know.

    SgtSarcasm- I see you were aptly named! :p I honestly didn't realise any similarity to Foundation until after someone else made that comment i put on the main post. In truth, i was more afraid people would compare it to Warlock, since that was the only thing i got any good reviews on before making this. But if people want to make comparisons to a classic arena map like Foundation, then i take that as a compliment. Please download and try it with friends and tell me how it plays. I don't think it is that similar to Foundation once you are playing it (maybe if you squint, but i wouldn't recommend that).
  12. opothehippo

    opothehippo Ancient
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    Re: The Sarlacc - Screens and full description inside.

    nice map, i look forward to seeing you make more maps
  13. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Thanks opothehippo. I'm curious if anyone has actually tested it out yet. Will people generally post good or bad comments after trying it out? Is the lack of further comments from the same people an indication that they didn't try it yet, or that it wasn't worth commenting on either way?
  14. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Ok I tried this map out for you tonite with a four person FFA match.

    The map itself is designed well and i did not notice anything in it that looked crappy at all. Also, I like the Sarlacc Pit. I totally fell into it on accident and i was like oh noes.

    But other than that I didnt have that much fun on the map.
    I thought there was too many power weapons, and they were in odd places.

    It was just... I dunno, nothing special. But still well done. I think u have the potential to make better maps though so keep up the good work.
  15. x blade x68

    x blade x68 Ancient
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    This was great for ctf i like it
  16. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments guys. Now i know it doesn't work too well for small FFAs. How about larger FFAs or Team Slayers? What would you recommend for changes to weapon availability and placement?

    I'm glad CTF was fun. Assault should be fun as well then, right? I also think its a blast with King of the Hill. If anyone has any suggestions to make it more fun, or fix balancing, please let me know. thanks!
  17. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    Very fun map. Nice job.

    MONKEYDEATH3730 Ancient
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    Looks really unique

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