In light of a recent Octagon map pack, I decided to take my swing at an Octagon shaped design with cover and height variation. There is currently two maps of this nature that I plan to create in the near future. Neither of them is conventional Halo style. Here is the first:
Finally, an octagon I can get behind. Invite me to test if you need someone to slap around the map. Also, congratulations with building (what I know of as and from what I can tell) the first respectable octagon map.
This reminds me, I need to post my octagon. Thanks xzample! On-topic, the Steep ramps down at bottom mid could probably be replaced with ramp bridges. It looks like it'd be a pretty good warm-up map, although actual octagon has always made my reaction time much sharper, whereas this seems more like a fast-paced 1v1. I wish you wouldn't use those steeps, although I understand why you did. You could, however, replace them with bank 2x2s. It would just be a lot of work.
Octagon? Broken? Nah, it's just a vicious cycle of spawn-killing, that's not broken. /derp. Anyway, this looks interesting. 4-way symmetry can be a bit odd, but I'm guessing there will at least be some visual differentiation between the areas for orientation's sake? I'd be interested to try these out, and I wanna look at those 2v2 flag maps some time as well. Also, Kuroda are you referring to your High Noon Octagon? And those steep ramps aren't going to cause framerate issues in the quantity they're in combined with the density and object use throughout the map that I can see from the screenshots at least), so I don't see what's wrong with them.
Thanks man. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Indeed. This was designed for fast paced 1v1s. But I will have it set up for 2v2 and FFA as well. The steels are to ensure that the scaling is accurate. If they cause problems, they can be replaced.
Looks awesome max. You stood up for something you believed in. I thought this was going to be a troll of an octagon rant (given the thead title), but you addressed the brokenness like a true designer. I hope I get a chance to play it sometime.
Yeah, there will definitely be color to provide orientation, don't you worry about that. Damn, I still haven't started those. The symmetrical flag map should be a breeze to forge. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Bendeed, I will finsh it soon. And we can laugh at Tyrant trying to fit through the top mid drop down.
I would suggest using something more than just color for differentiating the areas. Differing geometrical features that don't affect gameplay would be better. Having differing textures between rooms, having windows or a skylight or rocks in different rooms or something would do a far better job than just different colors.
No, there is going to be four GLs: one in each corner, each with zero spare clips. The only way there could be a sniper on the map is is it was in the center, and I don't want that. And I can't have four snipers with four shots on the map. If somebody wants snipers, they can set up a custom with sniper secondary.
2 GL 2 sniper? I don't know. This is cool though, I'm not a fan of octagon but I would play this. Plus, it's forged cleanly. invite me if you want I'd really like to play it.
Just because the map is symmetical doesn't mean the weapon set has to be. I think it would be cool to have different weapons in each area of the map, in different locations. Just to be clear though I'm not opposed to your current weapon set. Froms the looks of it, the GL won't be appeqring in H4, so we better get our fills now...
I know that it doesn't have to be, but I wanted players to circle the second floor to pick up the ammo. If you pick up all 4 grenades, your enemy is one clueless noob. I am also moving the custom so the only way to get it is by dropping from the drop hole on top mid. That's simply stupid. Grenade Launcher is a great power weapon, and they want to replace it with a SAW or a weaker spartan laser? Honestly, the one shot is a joke. The reason it's amazing in Quake is because of the non existent auto aim. But Halo will hold your hand until the last shot.
I actually really like paints's idea. The 2 GLs 2 snipers would bring some variety to the table. Only thing is, 8 snipe rounds minimum spawning at once is still quite a lot for 1v1, even if they're separated across the map. I guess you'd just have to work with it and see what works. But overall it's looking really good.
Are you really prepared to tackle an ancient old tradition of shooting snipes and spawn killing? Well, thankfully you know what you're doing. I'm curious to see what it plays like. Can I put my 2 cents in for weapons? I think you should keep the 4 GL's and disregard the snipers. When people upload octagon maps, they already have their preset gametypes. Sniper will already be in everyone's hands. You won't need to have them on the map if you're considering a mass use of this.
Agreed. I really dislike that I can't have a single shot sniper. That would be sick. As far as spawn killing goes: The spawns are probably what I'm most proud of in terms of the design. You can only spawn in the four rooms along the perimeter, but once you spawn, you can go up the lift to the third tier, through the doorways to the second tier, or through the teleporter which takes you to any of the other perimeter rooms. So while their spawn is predictable, they are presented with four options out of the room.
Wait a second, if you jump down to get the CPU, how do you get back up? Is there a lift? Or am I just blind?
CPU is being moved to the drop down from top mid. You have to look at my drawing to see how the pit works. Basically, you drop down, and can go through any of the four teleporters (currently black doors). These teleporters take you to the corresponding room you're aimed at while entering it. Look at the Ys on my drawing, then look at the last pic showing two of the four teleporters in the lift. I'll finish it soon so you can see.