
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Fragon, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Fragon

    Fragon Promethean

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    Greeting forge masters, this is my first post so I thought I would introduce myself as well as show you my first map. I've played halo competitively since H2 and never really touched forge, when the competitive scene started to die here in Australia I went to other games and never really played Halo for some time. Well, a few days ago I decided to jump back on Halo and try my hands at forge and I must say... It's awesome!

    Anyway here is my first map titled Roundhouse. Its an Asymmetric map made for 4v4.




    Red Spawn​

    Blue Spawn​

    I'm really clueless when it comes to making maps so things like the weapon layout, spawns, and just the general map layout are all things I feel I could have done really wrong with this map so any feedback would be much appreciated.

    #1 Fragon, Aug 10, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2012
  2. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Very impressive for a first map indeed. From the pics, the only thing that concerns me is how much you rely on jump ups for connection. I would like to walk through this map and come back with more in depth feedback.
  3. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I agree with xzamples on the movement, while i like the idea behind this map, and its very creative, i think the playability would be effected because you have to jump so much.. But other than that i really like the style to this, how many players do you think this would be compatible with?
  4. Fragon

    Fragon Promethean

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    I think it would best suit 2v2 but I really cant say as I haven't played a game on it.
  5. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    I agree with what xzamplez and DC said, but I'll download this and check it out in forge before I say anything else. Aesthetics are great for a first map, btw.

    Expect me to be back later today with more.
  6. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is a first map? Really?

    Well, it does look nice, although I'm not a fan of some of the piece usage, but that's more of a personal preference.

    The rocket launcher is hardly noticeable in the water, by the way. Maybe you can made a small platform that exposes it more, so players can see it easier?

    Anyway, I would like to check this out sometime.
  7. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Or maybe lean it up against the rock right beside it. Yeah that'd look perdy.
  8. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    This is very, very well done for your first time forging.
    You obviously have a good understanding of how elevation, lines of sight, cover, and other important aspects of a map impact how it plays. You seem to be way ahead of the curve in that respect, as many long time forgers still don't have a firm grasp on these things.

    The main thing I noticed that hasn't been mentioned yet is that the scaling is a bit off in some places. You have paths that are way too skinny. The center is the most troublesome part of the map right now. It does a decent job of connecting with the exterior portions of the map, but the center itself is discombobulated. The angles in that area make it very powerful against anyone moving around the exterior of the map, as it's very easy to escape any encounter. However, if two (or more) players happen to meet in the middle, there is a very, very high likelihood that the encounter will end up in either beatdown attempts by both players, or an assassination.

    I would try to open up the middle a little bit to increase its vulnerability relative to the other areas of the map, and to give players encountering each other within that space more options in how they can engage their opponent.

    I hope you stick with this forge thing.
  9. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This does look great for your first map, much better than mine. However, Xzample is right in that you need to rely less on jumps, most notably around blue. One example being the first screenshot, a hard route wrapping around the left side of the large incline, connecting the lower platform to the top would do the map good. The last two things I can point out is that the bridge over rocket spawn is a little sloppy and red spawn could use some more connections. It would be great if you could open up a hole in those bridge mediums and add a route to camo spawn.

    This looks great man, I'll check it out in forge some time later. If you need testers, I'm up for that as well.
  10. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Same deal here.
  11. Fragon

    Fragon Promethean

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    Updated the map with the suggestions that you guys gave me.

    Changes include:

    -More ramps and less jumping
    -Blue spawn is a little more open
    -Bridge has been redone
    -Middle area is a lot more open
    -Connection from red to mid added
    -Rockets now much more visible
    -Removed Camo

    If anyone wants to test the map add me on XBL or just send me a message so I can further refine the map. Something that still doesn't seem right is the flooring in the middle area I just cant seem to make it look flush. Screenshots in the original post will be updated so you can tell me what you think.

    Thanks for all the feedback that was given.
  12. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    I'm back.. and I said I'd be back within a day..
    I've only looked through this in forge, but I'd like to play this. I'll send you a friend request on XBL - my GT is thealm0ndkiller.
    I'll tackle things in a bucket list.

    -There are no rockets on the map. There's a GL where the rockets were. It's kind of odd because I still see rockets in the picture you've given.

    -Bridge does look better, but there are some sloppily forged pieces nearby. The bridge itself has some z-fighting on the top surface. There's a ramp that isn't correctly attached to the upper platform (again, by the bridge). There's z-fighting on one of the 1x1 tall and thins directly next to the bridge (you can see the 1x1 in the first picture). There's a brace large sticking out by gold bridge (it's supposed to form the wall by the lower end of the bridge, but it sticks out so that the ugly curved part is visible farther down the walkway). A wall coliseum that you've used for walling is visible through a brace large (by the bridge). There is a strangely aligned brace large by red spawn, although it is more a matter of personal preference than anything. There are two 2x1 flats near blue spawn - they're a bit messy. A few brace larges overlap awkwardly on the top behind blue spawn.

    -There still aren't enough hard routes up and down. There's an elevated walkway with healthpacks on opposite ends - there's no hard route there. The water area (with the GL/Rockets/whatever it's supposed to be) still has no hard route out. There are a couple areas with complicated jumps that I would never make in a game.

    -The GL is still not very visible (again, weirdness).

    -You've put many ramp circular inclines next to each other. You could use just one ramp circular incline on the outside and use the top of a tower tall to fill in the rest. Might help with split-screen framerate. If you want to keep the ramp circular inclines, you should know that some of them are z-fighting (I forget exactly where).

    -Maybe add more grenades? There are currently only 2 plasmas and 0 frags on the map. This might depend on whether you're giving your players grenades off start.

    What I like:

    -Most of the jumps are intuitive (although some are too complex, as mentioned before)
    -Aesthetic appeal
    -It's your first damn map on Forgehub. My first map was awful...
    -It's a 4v4 slayer asymm that looks quite balanced.. don't get enough of those :p

    EDIT: I've also noticed that you described your map as being for 2-8 players. This map is far too large for a 1v1, and still large for a 2v2. Maybe change the description?
    #12 theSpinCycle, Aug 13, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2012
  13. Fragon

    Fragon Promethean

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    Sorry, I put the GL there after a friend recommended it. It's back to rockets now.
    Ive gotten rid of most of these issues. I'm still a really sloppy forger as you can see haha.
    Could you clarify what a hard route is? Is it where you can go to another area by just walking and not having to use a jump up? If so, I added ramps at either end of the creek and also removed a lot of the rocks opening it up a bit.
    Again, sorry about the confusion. The rockets is now there and is on its own platform so it isn't hidden in the water.
    Thanks for the tip, I always saw that as an issue but had no idea how to fix it.
    I had a look around and fixed any of the z fighting I could find. I don't think the map is completely rid of them, but I think there is significantly less now.
    I added a couple frag spawns around.
    Could you point out the jumps that are too complex? I always liked the idea of having jump ups in a map that are very useful but hard to make, forcing players to only use it when they are safe.
    You really think its too large for a 2v2? I guess ill change the description then.

    Thanks for the help. The OP will be updated soon with new screenshots and description.
  14. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Cool. I was just wondering.

    You're good for a first-time forger, but your mentality should be to get rid of all of the issues :p

    That's it. Not just a jump up, but also teleporters and lifts, although you don't have any in your map, so it's not a big deal.

    You're welcome.

    Just make sure you put them in places where players will probably need them - if they're in the back corner of the map, players won't go there.

    For the most part, I was thinking about the creek - top mid jumpup. You could lower the difficulty of the jump without decreasing its height by making those rock ledges wider - it would give players more incentive to actually get up there.

    You're welcome :p I'll check on this thread every once in a while to see it after the update.

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