They do the same thing every year "Here's our game that we copypasted from lasst year, but we made flashy new things pop up when you kill someone". Unfortunately because I probably have ADHD, that's enough to get me to buy the damn game. Also that heatwave thing looks really cool, but it's probably going to be more of a gimmick than anything else.
"The graphics look so great. I can't wait for this game to come out" I stopped watching right there. Sorry to be cruel like that.
Well, thanks for the view then. But, honestly, you can not agree that the graphics in this BETA look better than any other Call of Duty game released?
It isn't a "beta." A beta is content complete. In fact, it's COD, you may be right Honestly, I watched with the hope of finding out what new things we have, and I am not a person who thinks that graphics are important. Just because some pixels are lighter than others doesn't want to make me enjoy and/or buy the game. matter of personal preference, ofc.
I'm going with heat. If it was Sonar they would be trying to cover their ears, and it would (probably) make an audible sound instead of something that sounds like a t-bone steak grilling. The fact that they're trying to shield their eyes/face really screams heat though.
I suckered myself in with the first Blops. I will not be doing the samething with blops 2. Definitely going to be a renter for me. Looks like they took previous ideas rehashed them and added them to the game. Can't say that's a negative as I enjoyed care-package knifing people in MW2.
Its a heatwave. You can see the waves shooting out at the players. You can't see sound. You didn't like the first blops? It was soo much better than mw2, and mw3. This blops is going to stomp out Mw3.
I stopped caring about COD after Black Ops. MW2 was fun, and my first ever of the series. I lasted through it and Black Ops then decided nothing was changing. Let me know when this game innovates and I might be interested. Putting the basic formula shooter in the 'future' doesnt do it and I'm sure the story will be just as mediocre on top of it all. PS: The graphics are just like MW3. AND MW# is just like MW2. I'm starting to see a pattern.