Randomly my turtle beaches have been fuzzing up on me, and to make it work I have to move the cord around and twist the soundbox. I don't want to have to fork out another 80 dollars for a new headset. Do you think if I bought a new 2.5mm XBOX LIVE Talkback Cable it would fix the problem? If anyone else ever had this problem I'd like to hear about it.
I've had the same problem awhile ago. Unfortunately I couldn't find a fix, so I went back to using shitty ms mics.
At least you don't have my little problem.... Still works though to my surprise. Also, what SJ said. You don't want anything to snap.
You could try the talkback cable, but sometimes you can just swap the one you already have around, so the part that goes into the controller is now in the headset. I did that and added another 4 months onto the life of the cable.
I had X41's, and this issue since day 1. The mic's in TB headsets are notorious for being trashy and just not working. Took me 20 minutes to get mine to work after putting them on every day. I eventually just took em apart and tried re soldering the wires together to no avail. Now it just doesn't work.
This makes me think twice of considering to buy some TB x41s. I heard its a good headset where you can hear footsteps while nades are flying threw the air.