Again at your level of play Tryn is beast. If you'd like I can play counters to tyrn in a bot match with you. Just watch out for teemo, kayle, and ashe. They will utterly destroy you. As for William, I respectfully disagree. Yes, leaving your lane and allowing your opponent to free farm can be detirmental. If you're several kills up and you can coordinate with your jungler to gank other lanes and take their towers you will be immensely ahead. Even if other lanes are even in gold and you take towers and ganks, it will put your team way ahead. Then you have to apply constant pressure. That's the problem with solo q, most players want to get their items instead of the win. If you can win at 17 minutes, do so. Don't let your advantage slip away and let the enemy catch up in gold.
I have to make sure its obvious that I'm 100% for not letting your advantage slip away and every tower should be destroyed asap except the first wave towers. Say everyone on your team is winning there lane as in your getting more kills and/or cs and your starving/zoning enemy, Could be rephrased as "Your team's income is higher and increasing at a higher rate then your enemy" Why change that? What possible benefit could be greater then more gold at a faster rate? I like to think instead of doing whats best for me right now i think how can I make sure in 30minutes i will have the best advantage to do what needs to be done. Killing a tower only is only as valuable as one creep wave for each player and in most games all the front wave towers so you will get the gold no matter what during the span of the game so the bonus gold is negligible. Only argument I can think of is "Your winning so end the game sooner" which is logically flawed. Because killing a tower doesn't guarantee the game will end sooner at all so your not "Ending the game before they can catch up" Your just progressing the games phase to mid game. Games are not 33% early game, 33% mid game, 33% end game, It can be 5%,20%,75% or 60%,20%,20%. So my theory is if your winning early game you want to delay that phase as long as possible to have the best advantage when game inevitably goes onto mid game where your champions/players might know be as strong/skilled. And I can give you an example of how everyone even you already delays the progression of the games phases: You get gold by killing creeps so the fastest way to get gold would be to kill them as soon as possible but you intentionally delay the progression of the game to secure more gold for you safely by only hitting minions for the killing blow. If your winning your lane by 2 kills 100cs you can easily kill tower if you wanted (because your able to starve/zone kill them there not gonna be able to defend tower) and if there champions are better mid game champions or are more skilled at the mid game meta game then killing tower could end up at 40minutes with even kills and even cs but if your obviously better at start game and can keep it start game until 40minutes you can have triple there kills and cs at which point you can choose to all push mid and end it right away because your immensely ahead. Everything I just said seems to make perfect sense to me so if I've missed something or skipped over something or something isn't right I would like to hear it because I'm all about improving my game and if I'm wrong I want to know it.
want the best advantage possible at 30 min? buy all four Gp/10 items on teemo, spilt push like houdini, then sell them all and build your ****. You WILL win if you do this properly, never fight with your team until the 35 minute mark, until then you just push to the tower, run to another lane, and repeat. Also, grab teleport/smite to start, and have everyone else grab teleport. Buy a ward and teleport to bottom/top tower, rush to enemy blue and place a ward in the brush, then you sit idle in range of smiting the blue, have everyone tele to the ward once he gets to it, you smite steal and then all gank him. Almost guaranteed win.
Been playing a lot of this over the last year (almost 300 wins) with my girlfriend. Great game, but sometimes it just gets old... you kinda hit the limit of it's realistic depth pretty fast (it's an easily accessible game, it's very easy to jump into for a MOBA). Not that I'm great at it or anything, but there's not a ton of actual variation compared to more deep MOBAs. Makes sense that it would be the #1 game, definitely. Easy to pick up, freemium, extremely addicting, constantly adds more content, it's a very good system. LoL: Insane54
I'm not sure what you mean by "hit the limit of it's realistic depth" because after over 1500 games I'm still learning and improving and seeing new strategies every day. But i have a feeling this video might explain why I think LoL has more depth then the "Deep MOBA's" (I assume your talking about DOTA and HON) when the video talks about starcraft the same goes for DOTA and HON. Extra Credits: Perfect Imbalance - YouTube
You know, there is actually way more variation in LoL than in Dota. There is no equivalent of AP in Dota (or HoN) so there is no way to build anything to power up your abilities or than Aghanims Scepter. Even though it is just one stat, it allows for a FAR larger diversity in build options. I mean, I could build Teemo as an AP nuker, and AD carry, or a Hybrid. You simply cannot do that in most other Mobas.
There's basically four 'trees' in HoN/DotA setups, it allows for a much deeper experience. More levels, more options, more difficult setup. It's not that you can't always improve in LoL, it's the same with any game, even Counterstrike was considered "extremely balanced", but there's only so many things you can do with Counterstrike that will realistically work. LoL is an extremely accessible game, and it's not that you can't keep improving (hence why there are pros), but it reaches the limit of it's depth relatively early compared to more complicated MOBA games.
Counterstrike,Starcraft,Dota are the "extremely balanced" type where there is only so many realistic competitive things you can do. LoL isn't one of those, Because even the Pro's have to constantly learn and improve the "best" tactic in LoL was once AD mid and all the Pro's did that then over time it evolved to what it is now into AP mid (Hence the video Meta A>B>C>D) and it will evolve past what it is now. So the depth is unlimited in terms of strategies unlike more "complicated MOBA's" where the strategies are limited and preset like in counterstrike and starcraft. Also complexity=/=depth "difficulty isn't a goal in its own right. What is important is ways to make skillful plays meaningful, let that be deep, interesting and fun, and to let the best players consistently win because they are better at the game. Depth is the goal which infers some minimum amount of "difficulty to master," which is good when done well."
We need to stop arguing. I think the meta is shifting to the Korean style of knocking down towers as early as possible, then forcing teamfights early on. Their team comp usually is something like; AP carry + support top AP mid Jungle AOE farmer bot They knock top down first, roam down and take bottom, then all push mid. All by around 15 minutes.
I would argue there's considerably more options/possibilities, hence more depth in DotA/HoN. There's many more playstyles available. There's some fairly limiting factors in LoL, it's very rare to see people push that past the metagame (which is, IMO, a negative factor towards 'depth'). I have seen a support Kennen, for example, but how often does that happen? That said... I don't really get the setup 1-1-2-jungle, especially at my (far below pro) level. I can understand why it makes sense to protect dragon with two at a higher level where ganks are usually seen by wards, but for my level, ganks work more often than not. I feel like a 1-2-1-jungle setup makes a lot more sense, in that respect. 2 people at mid means more possibilities towards the jungle and means 2 people are getting back faster than 1. It also means that you have far more possibilities to gank, because you're not leaving the mid lane open to be taken if you decide to run down to gank a pushed lane.
its one mid because AP champions scale best with levels, not items, so they need to have a solo lane in order to get the exp they need. They get put mid because they get back into the fray the fastest. AD carries get paired with support because the AD scales with items, so they need to get as much cs as possible, they get put bot because of dragon control. Other than that, jungle and solo top are mainly for safety purposes, so mid doesn't get ganked super often. (this is all NA meta)
I suppose, but in the end, it's gonna be item based, even AP champs are no good without their good items (though AD might be more dependent). I feel like more kills/opportunities>a small amount faster return to your turret. You could easily throw 2 AP 'mids' at top and bottom, a jungler, support and AD in the middle. You could even have the support as someone who could jump into their jungle and steal a buff/invade/harass and get back to lane
Then your entire team is squishy except the jungler, and the enemy team who plays by normal meta will win because they have more beefy champions than you.
Generally people will follow the current meta specially at lower levels of play because they don't understand the meta well enough to deviate from it, With the mindset of "This is how LoL is played, Idk why it just is" In LoL you have the standard meta which everyone plays(even pros) and anyone deviate from in it 100's of ways its possible to win with them all and can actually be realistically competitively viable, If you understand the meta and why it is you can change it to get pros in some areas and cover the cons you get from changing it. The point isn't how often people deviate from the meta its that its easily possible to do it at every level of play, Which in chess/DOTA/starcraft it is next to impossible to deviate from the meta (except for in casual games) From a purely viable pro players strategic perspective if you include all possible tactices from every meta in LoL every combination that's realistically viable which is almost anything, Compared to Pure viable pro player tactics in a DOTA game the LoL wins hands done in amount of tactic's are viable and that's how I judge LoL to have more "depth" (doesn't matter which is easier to learn or play or more complex or any other variables) Spoiler Wanna ad personal experiences into post but don't wanna distract from post, Who's to say in a year are 3 months the new default meta wont be 1-2-1-jungler? Who's to say that isn't a OP tactic right now? Ive done every lane combo you can think of 3-1-1,1-2-1,1-3-1,etc and won with them all, albeit not at a pro competitive level but someone solo'd bot urgot and had two junglers also having AD kennen which was unheard of at the time at a pro competitive competition and that's not meta. They evaluated the pros and cons of breaking the meta and it turned in there favor. Side note on the underlined part, I've mentioned in this thread why not to push a tower asap and higher level players wont push towers asap so this isn't a threat to competitive players so it wont become a Pro player tactic for that reason but will have an effect on normal games (On a regular basis I can gank top and bot and counter jungle as a solo mid and still have my tower last tower alive out of the 6 first wave towers on either side and some of the 2nd wave towers) BTW! All things I've done!(and much more) and many people have done and work well!!!, I mained blitz he was a awesome roamer/counterjungler I would just get my carry fed ward bush and go help other lanes and pull buffs though wall. The hardest part about not following meta is your team's rage if you fail in the slightest.
I finally got Galio, I love him so much right now. He just does not die, it's amazing. Also, has anyone else noticed a surge in the amount of people playing Teemo and Olaf recently? EDIT: Mother of god, I haven't lost a single game as Galio yet. EDIT 2: ^ I play him mid lane if anyone is wondering. He dominates anyone that doesn't have long range HARD cc. Malzahar just pushes you out of lane though, far too much harass.
So I started playing last week, and I was using Cho'Gath since he was free. I'm saving my Riot points for Kog'Maw, the idea of a suicide bombing slug kinda appealed to me for some reason. I'm used to using abilities, and I want a Champion with range. Miss Fortune is free this week, so I thought to try her out, any tips? When I asked a coworker which to get for a new pc, LoL or WoW, he told me that WoW is like bad meth, and LoL is Heisenberg meth. I understand fully what he meant by how addictive this game is.
Too low a payoff for damage output equal to safer picks like Ezreal or Corki. It is way too dangerous to catch axes while in a teamfight.
Recent major builds for me: -pure AP Amumu, jungle -AD carry Varus, bottom -Hybrid carry Jax, top/jungle -pure AP Zilean, mid -RoA Singed, anywhere (including mid...) -Tank/Support AP Mundo, bottom