Reaching satisfaction

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    What achievements (minor or major, lowercase or capital-A) have been most satisfying to you in Reach?

    Here are a few of mine:
    - Beating a campaign level LASO for the first time. The first time they did that as a challenge was for Winter Contingency, and before that I'd never messed with the skulls or knew that LASO was a thing that people did a lot. When this came up I figured I'd cruise through the easiest of the Reach levels, then quickly realized how wrong I was. Finishing that first one took a lot more patience than I usually care to use, but it was so satisfying. I ended up doing about four of the levels before they got so hard that I just didn't think it was worth the credits any more.

    - Every single time I get a killjoy or protector medal. They're my two favorites out of the "normal" medals. I feel like a good teammate when I get them.

    - The first (and I think it might still be the only) time I got that medal for 40 kills in a row. I had to be a big fat wraith-***** to get it, but still: gratifying. It's hard to play carefully enough (and find enemies bad enough) to wreck to the tune of a 40-0 run, especially when you are playing by yourself as I used to always do.

    - Just the other day, I was in super slayer with a solid team of 4 and we matched against another team. One guy called out my name and said it made me sound like a "***" (which... duh. The name is stupid on purpose). Then they all started complaining when we voted for Uncaged. I finally spoke up and said, "If it makes you guys feel any better, it doesn't matter which map we play on." They started laughing and talking more ****. Only then did I think to check their k/ds and they were way better than I had thought based on their fairly low ranks - one guy had a 4.0, which seems crazy to me. Anyway, I placed first on my team and we beat them 50-42, and they bailed out of the post-game lobby as quick as possible without saying a word. I still smile thinking about it days later. Making ****-talkers eat their words is as satisfying as Halo gets, I think.
  2. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I'm so jealous of that 40kills, I got 39 in tank once 40th kill was there I shot him but a pole got in way and i died (haunts me so badly)

    My claim to fame is been the only person to complete the first 62 weekly challenges since Reach's release. 343 screwed up a weekly canceled it and refreshed a new one so i missed 63rd.
    A few other people I was competing with got over a year but I lasted the longest >:)
    (Also naked eli did challenge resetting to get his and we did the math had over 1.5 times amount of daily's possible at one point)

    3 games in a row i got perfections was a awesome night to, 4th game I got betrayed ruined my streak but still awesome.

    In general gameplay just killing vehicles from foot just gives me so much joy knowing i have a "anti vehicle" skill set that the bulk of halo players don't know exists.
  3. Zaharias

    Zaharias Forerunner

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    For me, getting a wheelman spree in a 'hog is one of the most satisfying things there is. It makes me feel like a good teammate for driving people around so much, and I love the feeling of flying around the map in hogs. Getting a successful flag run in a mongoose is a close second.

    That and skunking people in invasion are what makes halo reach fun.

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    I love wheelmen too. I hate how impossible it is to get the commendations for it though. Bungie set the milestones on those ridiculously high.

    I disagree with you on skunking though. I think it's just a **** thing to do and 3rd phase defense is the most fun part of invasion anyways
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Also this game (sorry to one up people)

    Surprisingly a the average wheelman spree was more satisfying than that game.
  6. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    When I actually land a ninja using the concussion rifle, greatest feeling ever to me.
  7. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
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    I get as giddy as a schoolgirl every time I skunk a team in Invasion.
  8. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Playing friendly games of 1v1 with cool dudes... Testing maps and practicing for the Smackdown contest.

    And of course finishing a map and hearing that people still want to play it well after the testing phase has concluded.
  9. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
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    As I sit here drinking my coffee before work, I'd like to say that this thread is epic. Especially the last paragraph. But ya, the most satisfying thing is probably a no scope. I mean come on. What's better.
  10. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    When I was playing a game of swat and my team vs 4.
    I scored 35-45 points

    Died 4 or 5 times.
  11. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    Beating someone in Halo Chess.

    You may be better than me in Team SWAT, but I'll kick your ass in the game of patience and intelligence!

    Also, making a map and having everyone love it is pretty cool.
  12. iamluke21393

    iamluke21393 Forerunner

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    I used to be horrible at sniping. Not saying that I can get a falling 180 no scope double kill with my eyes closed now, but I've improved significantly.
    Also, learning how to use grenades more effectively.

    Love this. ^
    #12 iamluke21393, Aug 5, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2012
  13. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  14. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I have to go with schnitzel, to finish a map and to see how people react to it is the best you can get out of reach.
  15. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    The lucky sticky from across the map, or the lucky anything, really.

    Oh, and Mongoose splatters.

    Oh, and a close game of Rocket Hog Race, or any gametype really.

    I'd agree with Schnitzel, but I've never had that happen so eh, Dunno what It feels like.
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    You must have loved Halo 3 then lol. It always amused/enraged me how Bungie seemed to think it was the single most valuable medal in the game. I've seen it get on the postgame medal board over Overkills, Perfections, Running Riots and the like. That said, in Reach it's been replaced by First Strike. The one medal that's basically guaranteed to pop up every single game, yet it always places in the board. I've never seen why a pat on the head for whoever happened to win the first encounter trumps all manner of multi kills and sprees. But yeah, I do kinda like Killjoys in their own way, feels nice to be the one who limits the terror wrought by high K/D players. It'd feel more satisfying if it only counted past a Frenzy, though that'd make absolutely no sense.

    In terms of medals, the troll in me just loves to Yoink, plus Jeff sounds all sexy when he says it. I kinda prefer Showstoppers though, as it's much rarer, and arguably a better way to punish the animators.

    But I'm not a totally awful team mate, as one of my favourite medals is assist spree. There's a real satisfaction to supporting your team like that, especially when I'm rolling in a party, because you're not just building up assists through being crap, but actually staying alive whilst doing so. It generally comes alongside a spree of your own, so yeah pretty satisfying if you ask me. I've still yet to get a Sidekick or Second Gunman, been so close on so many occasions, but I'll get there.

    Yeah totally. Mine was either Ball or Hill FFA on Powerhouse, I forget which, but I trascended your whoreage in that (I'll be honest) I was baiting the hell out of the objective because I was sick of getting like my 10th non slayer game in a row. It was far from my proudest moment, but damn was it fun to hear that sound clip.

    I rarely get this because I basically never run as a 4, though I enjoy putting pre game trashers or persistent body smackers down. I actually had just such an instance yesterday, and in my case it generally pans out in 1v1. I used to shy away from 1v1s because I wasn't confident in myself in that scenario and under pressure, the times I do best are in the thick of a big team game where I can use my awareness and quick switches from retreat to aggression to pick up kills. But a little while in to Reach I started to make myself accept the challenges, as it was good at helping me address this weakness and improve my composure, definitely my biggest issue. I've gotten a lot better and yesterday was one of those examples where I pulled back from like a 3 or 4 kill deficit, which seems horrible when you really wana shut that trash talker up and you know you've got a better shot. I ended up winning 15-11 and the guy went very quiet afterwards. It was...enjoyable.
    #16 Pegasi, Aug 7, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2012
  17. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    The greatest moment for me was when I was playing Team Slayer on Reflection against a clan of trash talkers and I got a triple assassination on the elevator. They immediatly left and my team won. Good times.
  18. DC

    DC Ancient
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    when i first starting playing reach i was fresh off of h3 and got like 3 running riots in a night i was so pumped
  19. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    @overdoziz ..............................

    I like winning close games :)
  20. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Tell trueskill to not match us up with people who hold their controller with their butt cheeks then.

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