Infected Estate – A Halo Reach Forge Map Finally! After two weeks of slaving over a hot Forge World, Infected Estate was born! Infected Estate is a three story (four if you count the attic) farm house built in the coliseum of Forge World. Its other buildings include the shed and what I like to call, “The Safe House”. Unfortunately, these buildings were built over an old graveyard, and a terrible thing is happening: the dead are being resurrected to end the lives of the residents. In case you didn’t know, that means YOU! So you better grab a shotty and a magnum to make sure they stay dead. Now then, onto the darker side of this map. The infected initially spawn inside a giant evil pumpkin. That’s right. A gigantic pumpkin! There is a cannon man inside its mouth that shoots you over to the coliseum where the action takes place. Once inside, you will find yourself in the main zombie spawn. In here you have four paths you can take. 1) Walk through the right one way shield 2) Walk through the left one way shield [for the more stealthy approach (you know, from behind the shed)] 3) Enter the left two-way node to go to the 2nd zombie spawn 4) Enter the right two-way node to go to the 3rd zombie spawn The 2nd zombie spawn takes you to the back left area of the farm house and the 3rd zombie spawn takes you to the back right area of the farm house (very handy for not getting spawn killed). This map supports three gametypes: 1) Alpha Zombies (Main Purpose) 2) Safe Havens (Really fun and interesting experience) 3) Infection (Infected Estate) My favourite gametype for this map is Safe Havens. In Safe Havens, the hill can jump from the basement of the farm house, to the safe house, then all the way to the back left corner, and then to the balcony, etc. WARNING! If you attempt to go to the Haven by yourself, you WILL die! So travel in a wolf pack of at least two (if not, four). Now then, enough words, time for the pictures! Overview of Infected Estate The Farm House w/ balcony and scaffolding 1st Floor 2nd Floor (Aw yea! Beastly Couch!) The Attic (4th Floor Technically) Roof of Farm House Secret Entrance to 1st Floor The Shed The “Safe House” The Empty Cornfield (Damn Zombies ate up all meh corn!) Main Zombie Spawn 2nd Zombie Spawn 3rd Zombie Spawn The Evil Pumpkin! My shotty in yo face! Hope you guys love this map with a passion like me. Look me up on Xbox Live if you need help with a map or want to forge something with me. My GT is MIST Acolyte. Until next time, -Matt
I believe you should have spent less time forging the "Evil Pumpkin" and more time forging the overall map. The map design is sloppy, and though I'm sure you can have some fun, there will be people quitting before the game is over for sure. The camping abilities on this map are annoying, and the spawns and entrances are just plain bad. Although this may impress a few of your friends, I feel you should take more time in creating and testing your map. ~Squiddy
This concept has been used so many times. To many times and your map adds to the worse end off the cemetery/house maps. This is way too open, the aesthetics are bad or pretty much nonexistent, equal access was not put into consideration, and camping is very easy. If you want a good map you have to have the right amount of good gameplay, aesthetics, and a new concept is always nice. Overall 1.5/5
Really? You are entitled to your opinion, but really?!? First let me say that I spent more time on the map than I did on my pumpkin. Also, this map is not sloppy sir. Every part is neat except for the front of the house where I had to fill in the two non-slanted sides in the attic. Also, this map is very fun to play on (and i played with only ten! Imagine how fun it would be with sixteen!) and people will not be quitting because it is "just plain bad". Seriously, did you even pay attention to any of my screenshots? Better yet, did you even TRY playing this map with at least five people? It is very easy to eliminate camping players, especially if they are on their own; rush them with 2+ zombies and they don't stand a chance! That's what the zombies are supposed to do! Use teamwork to claim more victims to strengthen their numbers. Oh and, this did not just impress "a few of my friends", I only had three of my friends (excluding me) in my lobby. I didn't know six people and they loved it! No body quit either. We even played three games in a row. They didn't care when people camped (ex. on the roof) because we used the multiple paths and our numbers to our advantage. That's how you win. I could go on and on about this, but I think I've said enough. Except for one thing. I feel you should take more time in creating your responses to people's maps. -Matt [br][/br]Edited by merge: First let me say, you are right. In one thing. A house for infection has been used many times. But, whatever. I like the idea. TIP: This map was not trying to resemble a cemetery. I just said it was built on top of an old cemetery (thanks for reading my description though. I really appreciate that went farther than I expected you to. And let me just say, camping can be easy. It isn't just as simple as "camping is very easy". If zombies rush (a) player(s) before they get to there spot, or charge them in a pack, it is very easily eliminated. I also did put gameplay into consideration. That's why I have many ways a zombie can enter into the main combat area. this provides the zombies with a chance not to be instantly spawn killed. And I added a new concept that I am 99.9% sure that has never been made before. Spawning in a giant pumpkin. I hope you take my words into consideration. -Matt
I don't know what to say... I mean how did you work weeks on this and I pulled together a (what I strongly believe) better map with only an hour and a half. You look like you just put together random building and if you want a good infection map DO NOT use the coliseum or the grassy area above.
Matty, you say that it is easy to eliminate camping players. A good infection map should not allow a player to camp in the first place.
You put many ways a zombie can enter the main combat area but it is still easy to camp or even just stand in the open with your pistol. I know you said that it's easy to kill a camper, but a great infection map should have no camping spots to begin with. Sorry about being a bit harsh in my first comment, but I just needed to tell you what you could improve on. I suggest that you go look at the two infection maps posted by Insanmiac just a bit ago if you want to look at a work of art.
Every map has Camping no matter what you do. A DIIIIR!! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Love to see this "map". I'm insulted that you think i just randomly placed things around the map. And no, i will not avoid the coliseum or the quarry. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Finally a decent comment! Anyways, I understand what you say about easy killing with pistols. I was going to add barriers all over the place and add a cannon man that shoots to the roof, but i needed to post before the Halloween contest. I will add these but since forgehub is clearly dying, I will not post any pictures. -Matt
I lol'd. Seriously matty, you gotta take in what people are saying. I know it is very annoying you spend a long time on a map and it doesn't work out, but, that's life. About the map, it is waaaaaaay too open. You can't call it an "estate" if it is one house. Maybe try get it in a BIOC lobby. They'll do a full review. Edited by merge: How the hell is this site dying? Compared to the likes of Xforgery and Forgecafe we are an ACTIVE community of good experienced forgers. Seriously consider what you're saying before saying it.
Can't take constructive feedback? We have been forging on Reach for nearly 2 years now and this map is sloppy because there was no time spent choosing your pallette. Forgehub is here for us to share our work and help each other with improvements. The fact that you think this is NOT a messy map shows us you're new to forging and that's ok. But when people give their honest opinion to try to help, listen!!! These guys know what they're talking about... We've all seen hundreds if not thousands of maps and after a long time of forging, it keeps getting harder to impress each other, which makes our creations that much better!! When we learn from mistakes and get tips on how to improve the maps we build, it shows the fellow forgers that you respect their opinions and when your maps come back looking sharper and cleaner, they will respect you as well.
Seriously all of your arguements are false "the map is not sloppy" I am sorry to say but it is. It looks like something that was thrown together when you were getting used to forge. The aesthetics are meh (a huge floating pumpkin?) As said above many people on this site are here to help you (myself included) we have seen countless maps and we know how to design a good map. If someone offers you constructive feedback listen. Spank (the guy above me) Is absolutely correct in his statement, Edit: It really annoys me that every week or so some new member comes and posts just some ordinary (or worse than ordinary) map and does not listen and comes up with some excuse why the critisizm is wrong.people need to learn to accept their map is not perfect! Also it annoys me how these new members think they can insult seasoned members for saying something bad about the map.
yeah the map itself looks .....ok :L its just if its supposed to be an estate it SHOULD NOT be in the colleseaum as it does not help the theme at all and its also just another generic house map which wont really stand out
I will be forthcoming: I am not a fan of this map as it is. The reason EliteWarrior5 said not to use the coliseum was probably because blocks are spotty in there - the lighting isn't the greatest. I also do not appreciate the manner in which you said that every infection map has camping. It's honestly not true. The best infection maps have no effective camping. (If I hadn't said effective, one could have camped in the stupidest place possible, died in fifteen seconds, and say that there was camping on that map.) I advise you listen to all of the feedback in the thread, even the ones you find unreasonable. Although some people have let their tempers get away with them (not just you, many of the feedback posters too), you should take their messages seriously. You'll only be a better forger for it.
When you post a map on forge hub expect feedback and don't tell the people that give you feedback that they are wrong. First of all you should be flatered for someone to actualy give you feedback. Second, respect what they are telling you because if you open your eyes and see that this map isn't good, original and creative. And everyone that replied to this thread is RIGHT sbout what they are saying. If you cant take criticism and feedback like a real forger, don't forge because you will get alot of that.
Necro bump? I don't know what that is, but I just replied to this thread. What is necro bumping anyway? Is it when someone replies to a very old thread?
Surprise was MattV01 who bumped it. And his original bump was- "Every infection map has camping. A DIIIR!" It's sad